Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
static Duration |
Duration.add(Duration a,
Duration b,
TimeUnitDefaultsContainer defaults)
If a and b are not null, returns a new duration of a + b.
static Duration |
Duration.convertUnits(double duration,
TimeUnit fromUnits,
TimeUnit toUnits,
double minutesPerDay,
double minutesPerWeek,
double daysPerMonth)
This method provides an approximate conversion between duration
static Duration |
Duration.convertUnits(double duration,
TimeUnit fromUnits,
TimeUnit toUnits,
TimeUnitDefaultsContainer defaults)
This method provides an approximate conversion between duration
Duration |
Duration.convertUnits(TimeUnit type,
TimeUnitDefaultsContainer defaults)
This method provides an approximate conversion between duration
Duration |
Retrieves the actual project duration.
Duration |
The Actual Duration field shows the span of actual working time for a
task so far, based on the scheduled duration and current remaining work
or completion percentage.
Duration |
Retrieve the value of the actual overtime work field.
Duration |
Returns the actual overtime work of this resource assignment.
Duration |
Retrieves the actual overtime work value.
Duration |
Retrieves the actual overtime work protected duration.
Duration |
Retrieves the actual overtime work protected value.
Duration |
Retrieves the actual project work duration.
Duration |
Retrieves the Actual Work field contains the amount of work that has
already been done for all assignments assigned to a resource.
Duration |
Returns the actual completed work of this resource assignment.
Duration |
The Actual Work field shows the amount of work that has already been done
by the resources assigned to a task.
Duration |
Retrieve the labor component of the task's Actual Work.
Duration |
Retrieve the nonlabor component of the task's Actual Work.
Duration |
Retrieves the actual work protected duration.
Duration |
Retrieves the actual work protected value.
Duration |
Retrieve the baseline budget work.
Duration |
Retrieves the baseline budget work value.
Duration |
Retrieve the baseline budget work.
Duration |
Resource.getBaselineBudgetWork(int baselineNumber)
Retrieve a baseline budget work.
Duration |
ResourceAssignment.getBaselineBudgetWork(int baselineNumber)
Retrieve a baseline value.
Duration |
Task.getBaselineBudgetWork(int baselineNumber)
Retrieve a baseline budget work.
Duration |
Retrieves the baseline duration value.
Duration |
The Baseline Duration field shows the original span of time planned
to complete a task.
Duration |
Task.getBaselineDuration(int baselineNumber)
Retrieve a baseline value.
Duration |
Retrieve the baseline estimated duration.
Duration |
Task.getBaselineEstimatedDuration(int baselineNumber)
Retrieve a baseline value.
Duration |
Retrieves the baseline project work duration.
Duration |
Retrieves the Baseline Work value.
Duration |
Returns the baseline work of this resource assignment.
Duration |
The Baseline Work field shows the originally planned amount of work to be
performed by all resources assigned to a task.
Duration |
Resource.getBaselineWork(int baselineNumber)
Retrieve a baseline value.
Duration |
ResourceAssignment.getBaselineWork(int baselineNumber)
Retrieve a baseline value.
Duration |
Task.getBaselineWork(int baselineNumber)
Retrieve a baseline value.
Duration |
Retrieve the budget work.
Duration |
Retrieves the budget work value.
Duration |
Retrieve the budget work.
Duration |
Retrieve the critical slack limit.
Duration |
Returns the delay for this resource assignment.
Duration |
Retrieves the project duration.
Duration |
Retrieve the duration of the recurring task.
Duration |
Calculate the duration of this shift period.
Duration |
The Duration field is the total span of active working time for a task.
Duration |
Resource.getDuration(int index)
Retrieve a duration value.
Duration |
ResourceAssignment.getDuration(int index)
Retrieve a duration value.
Duration |
Task.getDuration(int index)
Retrieve a duration value.
Duration |
ProjectCalendar.getDuration(LocalDateTime startDate,
LocalDateTime endDate)
This method is provided to allow an absolute period of time
represented by start and end dates into a duration in working
days based on this calendar instance.
Duration |
The Duration Variance field contains the difference between the
baseline duration of a task and the total duration (current estimate)
of a task.
Duration |
Resource.getEnterpriseDuration(int index)
Retrieve an enterprise field value.
Duration |
ResourceAssignment.getEnterpriseDuration(int index)
Retrieve an enterprise duration value.
Duration |
Task.getEnterpriseDuration(int index)
Retrieve an enterprise field value.
Duration |
Retrieve the finish slack.
Duration |
Retrieves the project finish variance duration.
Duration |
Calculate the finish variance.
Duration |
Calculate the finish variance.
Duration |
The Free Slack field contains the amount of time that a task can be
delayed without delaying any successor tasks.
static Duration |
Duration.getInstance(double duration,
TimeUnit type)
Retrieve a Duration instance.
static Duration |
Duration.getInstance(int duration,
TimeUnit type)
Retrieve a Duration instance.
Duration |
This method retrieves the lag duration associated
with this relationship.
Duration |
Retrieves the leveling delay for this resource assignment.
Duration |
Delay , in MPX files as eg '0ed'.
Duration |
Read the manual duration attribute.
Duration |
Retrieves the amount of overtime work.
Duration |
Returns the overtime work done of this resource assignment.
Duration |
Retrieves the overtime work attribute.
Duration |
Retrieve the planned duration field.
Duration |
Retrieve the planned work field.
Duration |
Retrieve the planned work field.
Duration |
Retrieve the labor component of the task's Planned Work.
Duration |
Retrieve the nonlabor component of the task's Planned Work.
Duration |
Retrieve the preserve minimum float when leveling value.
Duration |
Retrieve the value of the regular work field.
Duration |
Returns the regular work of this resource assignment.
Duration |
Retrieve the amount of regular work.
Duration |
The Remaining Duration field shows the amount of time required
to complete the unfinished portion of a task.
Duration |
Retrieve the value of the remaining overtime work field.
Duration |
Returns the remaining overtime work of this resource assignment.
Duration |
Retrieves the remaining overtime work attribute.
Duration |
Gets Remaining Work field value.
Duration |
Returns the remaining work for this resource assignment.
Duration |
The Remaining Work field shows the amount of time, or person-hours,
still required by all assigned resources to complete a task.
Duration |
Retrieve the labor component of the task's Remaining Work.
Duration |
Retrieve the nonlabor component of the task's Remaining Work.
Duration |
Retrieve the scheduled duration.
Duration |
Retrieve the start slack.
Duration |
Retrieves the start variance duration.
Duration |
Calculate the start variance.
Duration |
Calculate the start variance.
Duration |
The Total Slack field contains the amount of time a task can be
delayed without delaying the project's finish date.
Duration |
Retrieves the project work duration.
Duration |
Gets Work field value.
Duration |
Returns the work of this resource assignment.
Duration |
The Work field shows the total amount of work scheduled to be performed
on a task by all assigned resources.
Duration |
ProjectCalendar.getWork(DayOfWeek day,
TimeUnit format)
Retrieves the amount of work on a given day, and
returns it in the specified format.
Duration |
ProjectCalendar.getWork(LocalDateTime startDate,
LocalDateTime endDate,
TimeUnit format)
This method retrieves a Duration instance representing the amount of
work between two dates based on this calendar.
Duration |
ProjectCalendar.getWork(LocalDate date,
TimeUnit format)
Retrieves the amount of work on a given date, and
returns it in the specified format.
Duration |
Retrieves the work variance.
Duration |
The Work Variance field contains the difference between a task's
baseline work and the currently scheduled work.
Duration |
The Work Variance field contains the difference between a task's
baseline work and the currently scheduled work.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
static Duration |
Duration.add(Duration a,
Duration b,
TimeUnitDefaultsContainer defaults)
If a and b are not null, returns a new duration of a + b.
int |
Duration.compareTo(Duration rhs) |
boolean |
Duration.durationComponentEquals(Duration rhs)
Equality test for duration component of a Duration instance.
LocalDateTime |
ProjectCalendar.getDate(LocalDateTime date,
Duration duration)
Given a date and a duration, this method calculates the resulting date when the duration is added.
Relation.Builder |
Relation.Builder.lag(Duration value)
Add the lag.
boolean |
Task.removePredecessor(Task targetTask,
RelationType type,
Duration lag)
This method allows a predecessor relationship to be removed from this
task instance.
boolean |
RelationContainer.removePredecessor(Task successorTask,
Task predecessorTask,
RelationType type,
Duration lag)
Remove a matching predecessor relationship from a task.
void |
ProjectProperties.setActualDuration(Duration actualDuration)
Sets the actual project duration.
void |
Task.setActualDuration(Duration val)
The Actual Duration field shows the span of actual working time for a
task so far,
based on the scheduled duration and current remaining work or
completion percentage.
void |
Resource.setActualOvertimeWork(Duration duration)
Sets the value of the actual overtime work field.
void |
ResourceAssignment.setActualOvertimeWork(Duration dur)
Sets the actual overtime work for this resource assignment.
void |
Task.setActualOvertimeWork(Duration work)
Sets the actual overtime work value.
void |
Resource.setActualOvertimeWorkProtected(Duration duration)
Sets the actual overtime work protected duration.
void |
Task.setActualOvertimeWorkProtected(Duration actualOvertimeWorkProtected)
Sets the actual overtime work protected value.
void |
ProjectProperties.setActualWork(Duration actualWork)
Sets the actual project work duration.
void |
Resource.setActualWork(Duration val)
Sets the Actual Work field contains the amount of work that has already
been done for all assignments assigned to a resource.
void |
ResourceAssignment.setActualWork(Duration val)
Sets the actual completed work for this resource assignment.
void |
Task.setActualWork(Duration val)
The Actual Work field shows the amount of work that has already been
done by the
resources assigned to a task.
void |
Task.setActualWorkLabor(Duration value)
Set the labor component of the task's Actual Work.
void |
Task.setActualWorkNonlabor(Duration value)
Set the nonlabor component of the task's Actual Work.
void |
Resource.setActualWorkProtected(Duration duration)
Sets the actual work protected duration.
void |
Task.setActualWorkProtected(Duration actualWorkProtected)
Sets the actual work protected value.
void |
Resource.setBaselineBudgetWork(Duration value)
Set the baseline budget work.
void |
ResourceAssignment.setBaselineBudgetWork(Duration work)
Sets the baseline budget work value.
void |
Task.setBaselineBudgetWork(Duration value)
Set the baseline budget work.
void |
Resource.setBaselineBudgetWork(int baselineNumber,
Duration value)
Set a baseline budget work.
void |
ResourceAssignment.setBaselineBudgetWork(int baselineNumber,
Duration value)
Set a baseline value.
void |
Task.setBaselineBudgetWork(int baselineNumber,
Duration value)
Set a baseline budget work.
void |
ProjectProperties.setBaselineDuration(Duration baselineDuration)
Sets the baseline project duration value.
void |
Task.setBaselineDuration(Duration val)
The Baseline Duration field shows the original span of time planned to
complete a task.
void |
Task.setBaselineDuration(int baselineNumber,
Duration value)
Set a baseline value.
void |
Task.setBaselineEstimatedDuration(Duration duration)
Set the baseline estimated duration.
void |
Task.setBaselineEstimatedDuration(int baselineNumber,
Duration value)
Set a baseline value.
void |
ProjectProperties.setBaselineWork(Duration baselineWork)
Set the baseline project work duration.
void |
Resource.setBaselineWork(Duration val)
Sets the baseline work duration.
void |
ResourceAssignment.setBaselineWork(Duration val)
Sets the baseline work for this resource assignment.
void |
Task.setBaselineWork(Duration val)
The Baseline Work field shows the originally planned amount of work to
be performed
by all resources assigned to a task.
void |
Resource.setBaselineWork(int baselineNumber,
Duration value)
Set a baseline value.
void |
ResourceAssignment.setBaselineWork(int baselineNumber,
Duration value)
Set a baseline value.
void |
Task.setBaselineWork(int baselineNumber,
Duration value)
Set a baseline value.
void |
Resource.setBudgetWork(Duration value)
Set the budget work.
void |
ResourceAssignment.setBudgetWork(Duration work)
Sets the budget work value.
void |
Task.setBudgetWork(Duration value)
Set the budget work.
void |
ProjectProperties.setCriticalSlackLimit(Duration criticalSlackLimit)
Set the critical slack limit.
void |
ResourceAssignment.setDelay(Duration dur)
Sets the delay for this resource assignment.
void |
ProjectProperties.setDuration(Duration duration)
Sets the project duration.
void |
RecurringTask.setDuration(Duration duration)
Set the duration of the recurring task.
void |
Task.setDuration(Duration val)
The Duration field is the total span of active working time for a task.
void |
Resource.setDuration(int index,
Duration value)
Set a duration value.
void |
ResourceAssignment.setDuration(int index,
Duration value)
Set a duration value.
void |
Task.setDuration(int index,
Duration value)
Set a duration value.
void |
Task.setDurationVariance(Duration duration)
The Duration Variance field contains the difference between the
baseline duration of a task and the forecast or actual duration
of the task.
void |
Resource.setEnterpriseDuration(int index,
Duration value)
Set an enterprise field value.
void |
ResourceAssignment.setEnterpriseDuration(int index,
Duration value)
Set an enterprise duration value.
void |
Task.setEnterpriseDuration(int index,
Duration value)
Set an enterprise field value.
void |
Task.setFinishSlack(Duration duration)
Set the finish slack.
void |
ProjectProperties.setFinishVariance(Duration finishVariance)
Sets the project finish variance duration.
void |
ResourceAssignment.setFinishVariance(Duration duration)
The Finish Variance field contains the amount of time that represents the
difference between a task's baseline finish date and its forecast
or actual finish date.
void |
Task.setFinishVariance(Duration duration)
The Finish Variance field contains the amount of time that represents the
difference between a task's baseline finish date and its forecast
or actual finish date.
void |
Task.setFreeSlack(Duration duration)
The Free Slack field contains the amount of time that a task can be
delayed without delaying any successor tasks.
void |
ResourceAssignment.setLevelingDelay(Duration levelingDelay)
Sets the leveling delay for this resource assignment.
void |
Task.setLevelingDelay(Duration val)
Set amount of delay as elapsed real time.
void |
Task.setManualDuration(Duration dur)
Set the manual duration attribute.
void |
Resource.setOvertimeWork(Duration overtimeWork)
Sets the amount of overtime work.
void |
ResourceAssignment.setOvertimeWork(Duration overtimeWork)
Sets the overtime work for this resource assignment.
void |
Task.setOvertimeWork(Duration work)
Sets the overtime work attribute.
void |
Task.setPlannedDuration(Duration value)
Set the planned duration field.
void |
ResourceAssignment.setPlannedWork(Duration value)
Set the planned work field.
void |
Task.setPlannedWork(Duration value)
Set the planned work field.
void |
Task.setPlannedWorkLabor(Duration value)
Set the labor component of the task's Planned Work.
void |
Task.setPlannedWorkNonlabor(Duration value)
Set the nonlabor component of the task's Planned Work.
void |
ProjectProperties.setPreserveMinimumFloatWhenLeveling(Duration value)
Set the preserve minimum float when leveling value.
void |
Resource.setRegularWork(Duration duration)
Set the value of the regular work field.
void |
ResourceAssignment.setRegularWork(Duration dur)
Sets the regular work for this resource assignment.
void |
Task.setRegularWork(Duration regularWork)
Set the amount of regular work.
void |
Task.setRemainingDuration(Duration val)
The Remaining Duration field shows the amount of time required to complete
the unfinished portion of a task.
void |
Resource.setRemainingOvertimeWork(Duration duration)
Sets the value of the remaining overtime work field.
void |
ResourceAssignment.setRemainingOvertimeWork(Duration dur)
Sets the remaining overtime work for this resource assignment.
void |
Task.setRemainingOvertimeWork(Duration work)
Sets the remaining overtime work attribute.
void |
Resource.setRemainingWork(Duration val)
This field is ignored on import into MS Project.
void |
ResourceAssignment.setRemainingWork(Duration remainingWork)
Sets the remaining work for this resource assignment.
void |
Task.setRemainingWork(Duration val)
The Remaining Work field shows the amount of time, or person-hours,
still required by all assigned resources to complete a task.
void |
Task.setRemainingWorkLabor(Duration value)
Set the labor component of the task's Remaining Work.
void |
Task.setRemainingWorkNonlabor(Duration value)
Set the nonlabor component of the task's Remaining Work.
void |
Task.setScheduledDuration(Duration value)
Set the scheduled duration.
void |
Task.setStartSlack(Duration duration)
Set the start slack.
void |
ProjectProperties.setStartVariance(Duration startVariance)
Sets the start variance duration.
void |
ResourceAssignment.setStartVariance(Duration val)
The Start Variance field contains the amount of time that represents the
difference between a task's baseline start date and its currently
scheduled start date.
void |
Task.setStartVariance(Duration val)
The Start Variance field contains the amount of time that represents the
difference between a task's baseline start date and its currently
scheduled start date.
void |
Task.setTotalSlack(Duration val)
The Total Slack field contains the amount of time a task can be delayed
without delaying the project's finish date.
void |
ProjectProperties.setWork(Duration work)
Sets the project work duration.
void |
Resource.setWork(Duration val)
This field is ignored on import into MS Project.
void |
ResourceAssignment.setWork(Duration dur)
Sets the work for this resource assignment.
void |
Task.setWork(Duration val)
The Work field shows the total amount of work scheduled to be performed
on a task by all assigned resources.
void |
Resource.setWorkVariance(Duration workVariance)
Sets the work variance.
void |
ResourceAssignment.setWorkVariance(Duration val)
The Work Variance field contains the difference between a task's baseline
work and the currently scheduled work.
void |
Task.setWorkVariance(Duration val)
The Work Variance field contains the difference between a task's baseline
work and the currently scheduled work.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
static Duration |
LocalDateTimeHelper.getVariance(ProjectCalendar calendar,
LocalDateTime date1,
LocalDateTime date2,
TimeUnit format)
This utility method calculates the difference in working
time between two dates, given the context of a calendar.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
static Duration |
DatatypeConverter.parseDuration(String value)
Parse a duration value.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
static String |
DatatypeConverter.printDuration(Duration value)
Print a duration value.
Modifier and Type | Field and Description |
protected Duration |
Gantt.Tasks.Task.d |
protected Duration |
Gantt.Tasks.Task.l |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
Duration |
Gets the value of the d property.
Duration |
Gets the value of the l property.
Duration |
Adapter3.unmarshal(String value) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
String |
Adapter3.marshal(Duration value) |
void |
Gantt.Tasks.Task.setD(Duration value)
Sets the value of the d property.
void |
Gantt.Tasks.Task.setL(Duration value)
Sets the value of the l property.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
static Duration |
MPDUtility.getAdjustedDuration(ProjectFile file,
int duration,
TimeUnit timeUnit)
Given a duration and the time units for the duration extracted from an MPP
file, this method creates a new Duration to represent the given
static Duration |
MPDUtility.getDuration(double value,
TimeUnit type)
Reads a duration value.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
static Duration |
MPPUtility.getAdjustedDuration(ProjectProperties properties,
int duration,
TimeUnit timeUnit)
Given a duration and the time units for the duration extracted from an MPP
file, this method creates a new Duration to represent the given
static Duration |
MPPUtility.getDuration(double value,
TimeUnit type)
Reads a duration value.
static Duration |
MPPUtility.getDuration(int value,
TimeUnit type)
Reads a duration value.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
static Duration |
DatatypeConverter.parseDuration(ProjectFile file,
TimeUnit defaultUnits,
String value)
Parse a duration.
static Duration |
DatatypeConverter.parseDurationInIntegerTenthsOfMinutes(String value)
Parse duration represented as an integer number of tenths of minutes.
static Duration |
DatatypeConverter.parseDurationInTenthsOfMinutes(Number value)
Parse duration represented in tenths of minutes.
static Duration |
DatatypeConverter.parseDurationInTenthsOfMinutes(ProjectProperties properties,
Number value,
TimeUnit targetTimeUnit)
Parse duration represented as tenths of minutes.
static Duration |
DatatypeConverter.parseDurationInThousanthsOfMinutes(Number value)
Parse duration represented in thousandths of minutes.
static Duration |
DatatypeConverter.parseDurationInThousanthsOfMinutes(ProjectProperties properties,
Number value,
TimeUnit targetTimeUnit)
Parse duration represented in thousandths of minutes.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
static String |
DatatypeConverter.printDuration(MSPDIWriter writer,
Duration duration)
Print duration.
static BigDecimal |
DatatypeConverter.printDurationInDecimalThousandthsOfMinutes(Duration duration)
Print duration in thousandths of minutes.
static BigInteger |
DatatypeConverter.printDurationInIntegerTenthsOfMinutes(Duration duration)
Print duration in tenths of minutes.
static BigInteger |
DatatypeConverter.printDurationInIntegerThousandthsOfMinutes(Duration duration)
Print duration in thousandths of minutes.
static String |
DatatypeConverter.printDurationMandatory(MSPDIWriter writer,
Duration duration)
Print duration.
static BigInteger |
DatatypeConverter.printDurationTimeUnits(Duration duration,
boolean estimated)
Print duration time units.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
static Duration |
DatatypeConverter.parseDuration(String value)
Convert the Phoenix representation of a duration into a Duration instance.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
static String |
DatatypeConverter.printDuration(Duration duration)
Retrieve a duration in the form required by Phoenix.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
Duration |
MapRow.getDuration(String name)
Retrieve a duration value.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
ArrayList<Duration> |
TimephasedUtility.segmentBaselineWork(ProjectCalendar calendar,
List<TimephasedWork> work,
TimescaleUnits rangeUnits,
ArrayList<LocalDateTimeRange> dateList)
This is the main entry point used to convert the internal representation
of timephased baseline work into an external form which can
be displayed to the user.
ArrayList<Duration> |
TimephasedUtility.segmentWork(ProjectCalendar projectCalendar,
List<TimephasedWork> work,
TimescaleUnits rangeUnits,
List<LocalDateTimeRange> dateList)
This is the main entry point used to convert the internal representation
of timephased work into an external form which can
be displayed to the user.
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