Interface | Description |
BaselineStrategy |
Classes implementing this interface manage population of baseline attributes
in one schedule by comparing it to another schedule.
ChildResourceContainer |
Interface implemented by classes which have child resources.
ChildTaskContainer |
Interface implemented by classes which have child tasks.
Code |
Interface implemented by classes representing Primavera P6 codes.
CodeValue |
Implemented by classes which represent a value forming part of a Primavera P6 code.
FieldContainer |
This interface is implemented by the Task and Resource classes.
FieldType |
This interface is implemented by classes which represent a field
in a Task, Resource or Assignment entity.
HasCharset |
This interface is implemented by reader classes which allow
a Charset to be specified before reading.
MpxjEnum |
This interface defines the common features of enums used by MPXJ.
ProjectEntityWithID |
Implemented by entities which can be identified by an ID.
ProjectEntityWithMutableUniqueID |
Implemented by entities which can be identified by a mutable Unique ID.
ProjectEntityWithUniqueID |
Implemented by entities which can be identified by a Unique ID.
TimePeriodEntity |
Classes implementing this interface represent a period of time
between a start LocalDateTime and a finish LocalDateTime.
TimephasedCostContainer |
Timephased data container.
TimephasedWorkContainer |
Timephased data container.
TimeUnitDefaultsContainer |
Classes implementing this interface provide access to the defaults used
when converting duration time units.
UniqueIdObjectSequenceProvider |
Classes implementing this interface provide a method which allows
unique ID object sequences to be retrieved for the requested class.
View |
This interface represents a view of a set of project data that has been
instantiated within an MS Project file.
Class | Description |
AbstractFieldContainer<T> |
Implementation of common functionality for the FieldContainer interface.
ActivityCode |
Activity code type definition, contains a list of the valid
values for this activity code.
ActivityCode.Builder |
ActivityCode builder.
ActivityCodeContainer |
Container for activity code definitions.
ActivityCodeValue |
Represents an individual activity code value.
ActivityCodeValue.Builder |
ActivityCodeValue builder.
Availability |
This class represents a row from a resource's availability table.
AvailabilityTable |
This class represents a resource's availability table.
Column |
This class represents a column in an MS Project table.
CostAccount |
Cost account definition.
CostAccount.Builder |
CostAccount builder.
CostAccountContainer |
Container for expense categories.
CostRateTable |
This class represents a resource's cost rate table.
CostRateTableEntry |
This class represents a row from a resource's cost rate table.
Currency |
Represents a currency.
Currency.Builder |
Currency builder.
CurrencyContainer |
Represents the currencies available to the current project.
CustomField |
Configuration detail for a field.
CustomFieldContainer |
Container holding configuration details for all custom fields.
CustomFieldLookupTable |
Lookup table definition for a custom field.
CustomFieldValueMask |
One element of the mask used to define the structured content of a custom field.
DataLink |
Represents a link between two fields, either in the same project or across projects.
DataLinkContainer |
Manages the data link definitions belonging to a project.
DefaultBaselineStrategy |
Handles setting baseline fields in one project using values read from another project.
Duration |
This represents time durations as specified in an MPX file.
Represents the Enterprise Project Structure from a P6 database.
EpsNode |
Represents a node in the Enterprise Project Structure from a P6 database.
EpsProjectNode |
Represents a project node in the Enterprise Project Structure from a P6 database.
EventManager |
Provides subscriptions to events raised when project files are written and read.
ExpenseCategory |
Expense category definition.
ExpenseCategory.Builder |
ExpenseCategory builder.
ExpenseCategoryContainer |
Container for expense categories.
ExpenseItem |
Expense item definition.
ExpenseItem.Builder |
Expense item builder.
Filter |
This class represents a filter which may be applied to a
task or resource view.
FilterContainer |
Manages filter definitions belonging to a project.
GenericCriteria |
This class represents the criteria used as part of an evaluation.
GenericCriteriaPrompt |
Represents a prompt to the user as part of filter criteria.
GraphicalIndicator |
This class represents the set of information which defines how
a Graphical Indicator will be presented for a single column in
a table within Microsoft Project.
GraphicalIndicatorCriteria |
This class represents the criteria used to determine if a graphical
indicator is displayed in place of an attribute value.
Group |
This class represents the definition of the grouping used
to organise data in a view.
GroupClause |
This class represents a clause from a definition of a group.
GroupContainer |
Manages the group definitions belonging to a project.
HtmlNotes |
Represents notes formatted as RTF.
ListWithCallbacks<T> |
Class implementing a list interface, backed by an ArrayList instance with callbacks
which can be overridden by subclasses for notification of added and removed items.
LocalDateRange |
This class represents a period of time.
LocalDateTimeRange |
This class represents a period of time.
LocaleData |
Locale data for MPXJ.
LocaleData_en |
This class defines the English resources required by MPXJ.
LocalTimeRange |
This class represents a period of time.
Location |
Represents a location, use to tag projects, resources and activities.
Location.Builder |
Location builder.
LocationContainer |
Represents the locations available to the current project.
ManuallyScheduledTaskCalendar |
This class represents a Calendar Definition record for an MPP Manually Scheduled task.
Class containing globally relevant constants.
Notes |
Represents plain text notes.
NotesTopic |
Represents a topic, used by P6 to organise notes.
NotesTopic.Builder |
NotesTopic builder.
NotesTopicContainer |
Represents the notes topics available to the current project.
ParentNotes |
Represents a note which is composed of one or more child notes.
Priority |
This class is used to represent a priority.
ProjectCalendar |
This class represents a Calendar Definition record.
ProjectCalendarContainer |
Manages the collection of calendars belonging to a project.
ProjectCalendarDays |
This class represents a basic working week, with no exceptions.
ProjectCalendarException |
This class represents instances of Calendar Exception records from
an MPX file.
ProjectCalendarHours |
This class is used to represent the records in an MPX file that define
working hours in a calendar.
ProjectCalendarWeek |
This class represents a basic working week, with no exceptions.
ProjectCode |
Project code type definition, contains a list of the valid
values for this project code.
ProjectCode.Builder |
ProjectCode builder.
ProjectCodeContainer |
Container for project code definitions.
ProjectCodeValue |
Represents an individual project code value.
ProjectCodeValue.Builder |
ProjectCodeValue builder.
ProjectConfig |
Container for configuration details used to control the behaviour of the ProjectFile class.
ProjectEntityContainer<T extends ProjectEntityWithUniqueID> |
Common implementation shared by project entities, providing storage, iteration and lookup.
ProjectEntityWithIDContainer<T extends ProjectEntityWithID & Comparable<T>> |
Common implementation shared by project entities, providing storage, iteration and lookup.
ProjectFile |
This class represents a project plan.
ProjectFileSharedData |
Implements a container for common data which can be shared across multiple ProjectFile instances.
ProjectProperties |
This class represents a collection of properties relevant to the whole project.
Rate |
This class represents a currency rate per period of time (for example $10/h)
as found in an MPX file.
RecurringData |
This class provides a description of a recurring event.
RecurringTask |
This class represents the Recurring Task Record as found in an MPX file.
Relation |
This class represents the relationship between two tasks.
Relation.Builder |
Relation builder.
RelationContainer |
Represents Relation instances from the current project.
Resource |
This class represents a resource used in a project.
ResourceAssignment |
This class represents a resource assignment record from an MPX file.
ResourceAssignmentCode |
ResourceAssignment code type definition, contains a list of the valid
values for this assignment code.
ResourceAssignmentCode.Builder |
ResourceAssignmentCode builder.
ResourceAssignmentCodeContainer |
Container for assignment code definitions.
ResourceAssignmentCodeValue |
Represents an individual assignment code value.
ResourceAssignmentCodeValue.Builder |
ResourceAssignmentCodeValue builder.
ResourceAssignmentContainer |
Manages the collection of resource assignments belonging to a project.
ResourceAssignmentWorkgroupFields |
This class represents a resource assignment workgroup fields record
from an MPX file.
ResourceCode |
Resource code type definition, contains a list of the valid
values for this resource code.
ResourceCode.Builder |
ResourceCode builder.
ResourceCodeContainer |
Container for resource code definitions.
ResourceCodeValue |
Represents an individual resource code value.
ResourceCodeValue.Builder |
ResourceCodeValue builder.
ResourceContainer |
Manages the collection of resources belonging to a project.
RoleCode |
Role code type definition, contains a list of the valid
values for this role code.
RoleCode.Builder |
RoleCode builder.
RoleCodeContainer |
Container for role code definitions.
RoleCodeValue |
Represents an individual role code value.
RoleCodeValue.Builder |
RoleCodeValue builder.
RtfNotes |
Represents notes formatted as RTF.
Shift |
Represents a Resource Shift.
Shift.Builder |
Shift builder.
ShiftContainer |
Represents the shifts available to the current project.
ShiftPeriod |
Represents a Resource Shift Period.
ShiftPeriod.Builder |
ShiftPeriod builder.
ShiftPeriodContainer |
Represents the shift periods available to the current project.
Step |
Represents an activity step.
Step.Builder |
Step builder.
StructuredNotes |
Represents a note which belongs to a topic.
Table |
This class represents the definition of a table of data from an MPP file.
TableContainer |
Manages the table definitions belonging to a project.
Task |
This class represents a task record from a project file.
TaskContainer |
Manages the collection of tasks belonging to a project.
TemporaryCalendar |
Represents a temporary calendar which is not intended to form part of the
TimephasedCost |
Represents timephased cost.
TimephasedItem<T> |
This class represents an amount, spread over a period of time.
TimephasedWork |
Represents timephased work.
UnitOfMeasure |
Class representing a unit of measure.
UnitOfMeasure.Builder |
Unit of measure builder.
UnitOfMeasureContainer |
Represents units of measure available to the current project.
UserDefinedField |
Represents a user defined field.
UserDefinedField.Builder |
User defined field builder.
UserDefinedFieldContainer |
Manages the collection of user defined fields belonging to a project.
ViewContainer |
Manages the sub projects belonging to a project.
ViewState |
This class represents the state of a view which has been saved
as part of a project file.
WorkContour |
Instances of this class represent enumerated work contour values.
WorkContourContainer |
Represents the work contours (resource curves) used by the current project.
Enum | Description |
AccrueType |
This class is used to represent an accrue type.
ActivityCodeScope |
Represents the scope of an activity code.
ActivityStatus | |
ActivityType |
P6/PPX Activity type.
AssignmentField |
Instances of this type represent Assignment fields.
BookingType |
Enumeration representing booking types.
CalendarType |
P6 Calendar Types.
CodePage |
Instances of this class represent enumerated code page values.
ConstraintField |
Instances of this type represent constraint fields.
ConstraintType |
This class is used to represent a constraint type.
CriticalActivityType |
Determines how the critical flag is set for tasks.
CurrencySymbolPosition |
Instances of this class represent enumerated currency symbol position values.
CustomFieldValueDataType |
Enumeration used by custom field value items to represent their data type.
DataType |
This class represents the data type of an attribute.
DateOrder |
Instances of this class represent enumerated date order values.
DayType |
This class is used to represent the day type used by the project calendar.
EarnedValueMethod |
Instances of this class represent enumerated earned value method values.
FieldTypeClass |
Represents the type of entity to which a FieldType instance can belong.
FileVersion |
Instances of this class represent enumerated file version values.
PercentCompleteType | |
ProjectDateFormat |
Instances of this class represent enumerated date format values.
ProjectField |
Instances of this type represent project properties.
ProjectTimeFormat |
Instances of this class represent enumerated time format values.
RateSource |
Represents the source of cost rate for a resource assignment.
RecurrenceType |
Represents the recurrence type.
RelationshipLagCalendar |
Represents the calendar to be used when making date calculations
using the relationship lag value.
RelationType |
This class is used to represent a relation type.
ResourceField |
Instances of this type represent Resource fields.
ResourceRequestType |
Instances of this class represent enumerated resource request type values.
ResourceType |
Instances of this class represent enumerated resource type values.
ScheduleFrom |
Instances of this class represent enumerated schedule from values.
SchedulingProgressedActivities |
Represents the method used to schedule progressed activities.
SkillLevel |
Represents the skill level of a resource
when assigned to a role.
TaskField |
Instances of this type represent Task fields.
TaskMode |
Represents task mode values.
TaskType |
Instances of this enum task type values.
TestOperator |
This class represents the set of operators used to perform a test
between two or more operands.
TimeUnit |
This class contains utility functions allowing time unit specifications
to be parsed and formatted.
TotalSlackCalculationType |
Enum representing the different calculation types which can be used to determine total slack.
ViewType |
This class represents the enumeration of the valid types of view.
WorkGroup |
Instances of this class represent enumerated work group values.
Exception | Description |
MPXJException |
Standard exception type thrown by the MPXJ library.
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