- TaskBaselinesTest - Class in net.sf.mpxj.junit.task
Tests to ensure task baseline values are correctly handled.
- TaskBaselinesTest() - Constructor for class net.sf.mpxj.junit.task.TaskBaselinesTest
- TaskContainerTest - Class in net.sf.mpxj.junit.project
Test to exercise TaskContainer functionality.
- TaskContainerTest() - Constructor for class net.sf.mpxj.junit.project.TaskContainerTest
- TaskCostsTest - Class in net.sf.mpxj.junit.task
Tests to ensure task custom costs are correctly handled.
- TaskCostsTest() - Constructor for class net.sf.mpxj.junit.task.TaskCostsTest
- TaskDatesTest - Class in net.sf.mpxj.junit.task
Tests to ensure task custom dates are correctly handled.
- TaskDatesTest() - Constructor for class net.sf.mpxj.junit.task.TaskDatesTest
- TaskDeletionTest - Class in net.sf.mpxj.junit.task
Tests to ensure deleted tasks, both blank and normal, are handled correctly.
- TaskDeletionTest() - Constructor for class net.sf.mpxj.junit.task.TaskDeletionTest
- TaskDurationsTest - Class in net.sf.mpxj.junit.task
Tests to ensure task custom durations are correctly handled.
- TaskDurationsTest() - Constructor for class net.sf.mpxj.junit.task.TaskDurationsTest
- TaskFinishesTest - Class in net.sf.mpxj.junit.task
Tests to ensure task custom finish dates are correctly handled.
- TaskFinishesTest() - Constructor for class net.sf.mpxj.junit.task.TaskFinishesTest
- TaskFlagsTest - Class in net.sf.mpxj.junit.task
Tests to ensure task custom flags are correctly handled.
- TaskFlagsTest() - Constructor for class net.sf.mpxj.junit.task.TaskFlagsTest
- TaskLinksTest - Class in net.sf.mpxj.junit.task
Tests to ensure task links are correctly handled.
- TaskLinksTest() - Constructor for class net.sf.mpxj.junit.task.TaskLinksTest
- TaskNumbersTest - Class in net.sf.mpxj.junit.task
Tests to ensure task custom numbers are correctly handled.
- TaskNumbersTest() - Constructor for class net.sf.mpxj.junit.task.TaskNumbersTest
- TaskOutlineCodesTest - Class in net.sf.mpxj.junit.task
Tests to ensure task custom outline codes are correctly handled.
- TaskOutlineCodesTest() - Constructor for class net.sf.mpxj.junit.task.TaskOutlineCodesTest
- TaskPercentCompleteTest - Class in net.sf.mpxj.junit.task
Tests to ensure task baseline values are correctly handled.
- TaskPercentCompleteTest() - Constructor for class net.sf.mpxj.junit.task.TaskPercentCompleteTest
- TaskStartsTest - Class in net.sf.mpxj.junit.task
Tests to ensure task custom start dates are correctly handled.
- TaskStartsTest() - Constructor for class net.sf.mpxj.junit.task.TaskStartsTest
- TaskTextTest - Class in net.sf.mpxj.junit.task
Tests to ensure task custom text fields are correctly handled.
- TaskTextTest() - Constructor for class net.sf.mpxj.junit.task.TaskTextTest
- TaskTextValuesTest - Class in net.sf.mpxj.junit.task
Tests to ensure the text versions of Start, Finish and Duration are read correctly.
- TaskTextValuesTest() - Constructor for class net.sf.mpxj.junit.task.TaskTextValuesTest
- test247() - Method in class net.sf.mpxj.junit.ProjectCalendarTest
Simple tests to exercise the ProjectCalendar.getDate method with a negative duration using a 24x7 calendar.
- testAssignments() - Method in class net.sf.mpxj.junit.assignment.AssignmentAssignmentsTest
Test to validate calendars in files saved by different versions of MS Project.
- testAssignments() - Method in class net.sf.mpxj.junit.assignment.AssignmentFlagsTest
Test to validate calendars in files saved by different versions of MS Project.
- testAssignments() - Method in class net.sf.mpxj.junit.assignment.AssignmentTextTest
Test to validate calendars in files saved by different versions of MS Project.
- testAutomaticGeneration() - Method in class net.sf.mpxj.junit.legacy.BasicTest
This test exercises the automatic generation of WBS and outline levels.
- testAvailabilityFrom() - Method in class net.sf.mpxj.junit.AvailabilityTableTest
Test the availabilityFrom method.
- testAvailabilityTo() - Method in class net.sf.mpxj.junit.AvailabilityTableTest
Test the availabilityTo method.
- testBug1() - Method in class net.sf.mpxj.junit.legacy.BasicTest
Read an MPP file that caused problems.
- testBug2() - Method in class net.sf.mpxj.junit.legacy.BasicTest
Read an MPP file that caused problems.
- testBug3() - Method in class net.sf.mpxj.junit.legacy.BasicTest
Read an MPP file where the structure was not being correctly
set up to reflect the outline level.
- testBug4() - Method in class net.sf.mpxj.junit.legacy.BasicTest
Read an MPP8 file with a non-standard task fixed data block size.
- testCalendarExceptionPredecedence() - Method in class net.sf.mpxj.junit.CalendarExceptionPrecedenceTest
Recurring exceptions should be overridden by non-recurring exceptions.
- testCalendars() - Method in class net.sf.mpxj.junit.calendar.CalendarCalendarsTest
Test to validate calendars in files saved by different versions of MS Project.
- testCalendars() - Method in class net.sf.mpxj.junit.legacy.BasicTest
Tests to exercise calendar functionality.
- testCombinedCalendar() - Method in class net.sf.mpxj.junit.CombinedCalendarTest
Test the CombinedCalendar class.
- testCompare() - Method in class net.sf.mpxj.junit.DateUtilityTest
Validate that the DateUtility.compare method matches the semantics
of the Date.compareTo method when used with non-null values.
- testContains() - Method in class net.sf.mpxj.junit.ProjectCalendarExceptionTest
Test the contains method.
- testConversion1() - Method in class net.sf.mpxj.junit.legacy.BasicTest
Exercise the MPP8 import code.
- testConversion2() - Method in class net.sf.mpxj.junit.legacy.BasicTest
Exercise the MPP9 import code.
- testConversion3() - Method in class net.sf.mpxj.junit.legacy.BasicTest
Exercise the XML import code.
- testConversion4() - Method in class net.sf.mpxj.junit.legacy.BasicTest
This method tests two stages of conversion, MPP to MPX to MSPDI.
- testConvertFromHours() - Method in class net.sf.mpxj.junit.RateHelperTest
Test conversion of rates from hours.
- testConvertToHours() - Method in class net.sf.mpxj.junit.RateHelperTest
Test conversion of rates to hours.
- testCustomerData1() - Method in class net.sf.mpxj.junit.CustomerDataTest
Test customer data.
- testCustomerData10() - Method in class net.sf.mpxj.junit.CustomerDataTest
Test customer data.
- testCustomerData2() - Method in class net.sf.mpxj.junit.CustomerDataTest
Test customer data.
- testCustomerData3() - Method in class net.sf.mpxj.junit.CustomerDataTest
Test customer data.
- testCustomerData4() - Method in class net.sf.mpxj.junit.CustomerDataTest
Test customer data.
- testCustomerData5() - Method in class net.sf.mpxj.junit.CustomerDataTest
Test customer data.
- testCustomerData6() - Method in class net.sf.mpxj.junit.CustomerDataTest
Test customer data.
- testCustomerData7() - Method in class net.sf.mpxj.junit.CustomerDataTest
Test customer data.
- testCustomerData8() - Method in class net.sf.mpxj.junit.CustomerDataTest
Test customer data.
- testCustomerData9() - Method in class net.sf.mpxj.junit.CustomerDataTest
Test customer data.
- testDailyCalendarExceptionPredecedence() - Method in class net.sf.mpxj.junit.CalendarExceptionPrecedenceTest
Test daily recurring exceptions.
- testDays() - Method in class net.sf.mpxj.junit.TimescaleUtilityTest
Generate day timescale segments.
- testDefaultDateFormat() - Method in class net.sf.mpxj.junit.project.DefaultDurationFormatTest
Ensure that where the duration format is listed as "21" in the MSPDI file, we use the default duration format,
as defined in the project properties.
- testDeletedResourceAssignments() - Method in class net.sf.mpxj.junit.assignment.DeletedAssignmentTest
This test relates to SourceForge bug #248, where it appears that MPXJ was reading deleted
resource assignments.
- testEmbeddedLineBreaks() - Method in class net.sf.mpxj.junit.legacy.BasicTest
Write a file with embedded line break (\r and \n) characters in
various text fields.
- testFieldCoverage() - Method in class net.sf.mpxj.junit.CustomerDataTest
Populate field report from JUnit test data.
- testGetDate() - Method in class net.sf.mpxj.junit.ProjectCalendarTest
Simple tests to exercise the ProjectCalendar.getDate method.
- testGetDates() - Method in class net.sf.mpxj.junit.RecurringDataTest
Test the getEntryByDate method.
- testGetDateWithNegativeDuration() - Method in class net.sf.mpxj.junit.ProjectCalendarTest
Simple tests to exercise the ProjectCalendar.getDate method with a negative duration.
- testGetEntryByDate() - Method in class net.sf.mpxj.junit.AvailabilityTableTest
Test the getEntryByDate method.
- testGetWork() - Method in class net.sf.mpxj.junit.ProjectCalendarTest
Test get getWork method.
- testHalfYears() - Method in class net.sf.mpxj.junit.TimescaleUtilityTest
Generate half-year timescale segments.
- testHours() - Method in class net.sf.mpxj.junit.TimescaleUtilityTest
Generate hour timescale segments.
- testIntegerSemVer() - Method in class net.sf.mpxj.junit.SemVerTest
Ensure that versions constructed from integers behave as expected.
- testInvalidPrimaveraCalendar() - Method in class net.sf.mpxj.junit.calendar.InvalidCalendarTest
Test reading an XER file which contains invalid calendar data.
- testListProjects() - Method in class net.sf.mpxj.junit.ListProjectsTest
Exercise the XER file reader's listProjects method.
- testLocaleData() - Method in class net.sf.mpxj.junit.LocaleDataTest
Ensure that all field enums have a locale entry.
- testLocales() - Method in class net.sf.mpxj.junit.LocaleTest
Test all supported MPX locales.
- testMidnightNegativeDuration() - Method in class net.sf.mpxj.junit.ProjectCalendarTest
Simple tests to exercise the ProjectCalendar.getDate method with a negative duration including midnight.
- testMinMax() - Method in class net.sf.mpxj.junit.DateUtilityTest
Validate that the DateUtility.min/max methods properly
handle null values.
- testMinutes() - Method in class net.sf.mpxj.junit.TimescaleUtilityTest
Generate minute timescale segments.
- testMonthlyCalendarExceptionPredecedence() - Method in class net.sf.mpxj.junit.CalendarExceptionPrecedenceTest
Test monthly recurring exceptions.
- testMonths() - Method in class net.sf.mpxj.junit.TimescaleUtilityTest
Generate month timescale segments.
- testMpd() - Method in class net.sf.mpxj.junit.DurationTest
Test duration data read from an MPD file.
- testMpd9() - Method in class net.sf.mpxj.junit.MppProjectPropertiesTest
Test project properties read from an MPD9 file.
- testMpd9Baseline() - Method in class net.sf.mpxj.junit.MppTaskTest
Test task data read from an MPD9 file.
- testMpd9Calendar() - Method in class net.sf.mpxj.junit.MppCalendarTest
Test calendar data read from an MPD9 file.
- testMpd9NullTasks() - Method in class net.sf.mpxj.junit.MppNullTaskTest
Test null task data read from an MPD9 file.
- testMpd9Relations() - Method in class net.sf.mpxj.junit.MppTaskTest
Tests Relations in an MPD9 file.
- testMpd9Resource() - Method in class net.sf.mpxj.junit.MppResourceTest
Test resource data read from an MPD9 file.
- testMpd9Splits() - Method in class net.sf.mpxj.junit.MppTaskTest
Test Split Tasks in an MPD9 file.
- testMpd9Subproject() - Method in class net.sf.mpxj.junit.MppSubprojectTest
Test subproject data read from an MPD9 file.
- testMpd9Task() - Method in class net.sf.mpxj.junit.MppTaskTest
Test task data read from an MPD9 file.
- testMpdCustomFields() - Method in class net.sf.mpxj.junit.MppAssignmentTest
Test assignment data read from an MPD file.
- testMpdFields() - Method in class net.sf.mpxj.junit.MppAssignmentTest
Test assignment fields read from an MPD file.
- testMpp12() - Method in class net.sf.mpxj.junit.AvailabilityTest
Test MPP12 file resource availability.
- testMpp12() - Method in class net.sf.mpxj.junit.CostRateTableTest
Test MPP12 file cost rate tables.
- testMpp12() - Method in class net.sf.mpxj.junit.DurationTest
Test duration data read from an MPP12 file.
- testMpp12() - Method in class net.sf.mpxj.junit.MppColumnsTest
Test MPP12 file columns.
- testMpp12() - Method in class net.sf.mpxj.junit.MppProjectPropertiesTest
Test project properties read from an MPP12 file.
- testMpp12() - Method in class net.sf.mpxj.junit.TimephasedTest
Test MPP12 file timephased resource assignments.
- testMpp12() - Method in class net.sf.mpxj.junit.TimephasedWorkCostSegmentTest
Timephased segment test for MPP12 files.
- testMpp12() - Method in class net.sf.mpxj.junit.TimephasedWorkSegmentTest
Timephased segment test for MPP12 files.
- testMpp12Baseline() - Method in class net.sf.mpxj.junit.MppTaskTest
Test task data read from an MPP12 file.
- testMpp12BaselineFields() - Method in class net.sf.mpxj.junit.MppBaselineTest
Test baseline data read from an MPP12 file.
- testMpp12BaselineFieldsFrom14() - Method in class net.sf.mpxj.junit.MppBaselineTest
Test baseline data read from an MPP1 file saved by Project 2010.
- testMpp12BaselineFrom14() - Method in class net.sf.mpxj.junit.MppTaskTest
Test task data read from an MPP12 file saved by Project 2010.
- testMpp12Calendar() - Method in class net.sf.mpxj.junit.MppCalendarTest
Test calendar data read from an MPP12 file.
- testMpp12CalendarExceptions() - Method in class net.sf.mpxj.junit.MppCalendarTest
Test calendar exception data read from an MPP12 file.
- testMpp12CalendarExceptionsFrom14() - Method in class net.sf.mpxj.junit.MppCalendarTest
Test calendar exception data read from an MPP12 file saved by Project 2010.
- testMpp12CalendarFrom14() - Method in class net.sf.mpxj.junit.MppCalendarTest
Test calendar data read from an MPP12 file saved by Project 2010.
- testMpp12CustomFields() - Method in class net.sf.mpxj.junit.MppAssignmentTest
Test assignment data read from an MPP12 file.
- testMpp12DefaultBarStyles() - Method in class net.sf.mpxj.junit.MppBarStyleTest
Test bar styles read from an MPP12 file.
- testMpp12DefaultBarStylesFrom14() - Method in class net.sf.mpxj.junit.MppBarStyleTest
Test bar styles read from an MPP12 file saved by Project 2010.
- testMpp12Embedded() - Method in class net.sf.mpxj.junit.MppEmbeddedTest
Test MPP12 file.
- testMpp12EnterpriseFields() - Method in class net.sf.mpxj.junit.MppEnterpriseTest
Test enterprise data read from an MPP12 file.
- testMpp12EnterpriseFieldsFrom14() - Method in class net.sf.mpxj.junit.MppEnterpriseTest
Test enterprise data read from an MPP12 file saved by Project 2010.
- testMpp12ExceptionBarStyles() - Method in class net.sf.mpxj.junit.MppBarStyleTest
Test bar styles read from an MPP12 file.
- testMpp12ExceptionBarStylesFrom14() - Method in class net.sf.mpxj.junit.MppBarStyleTest
Test bar styles read from an MPP12 file saved by Project 2010.
- testMpp12Fields() - Method in class net.sf.mpxj.junit.MppAssignmentTest
Test assignment fields read from an MPP12 file.
- testMpp12FieldsFrom14() - Method in class net.sf.mpxj.junit.MppAssignmentTest
Test assignment fields read from an MPP12 file, saved by Project 2010.
- testMpp12FilterLogic() - Method in class net.sf.mpxj.junit.MppFilterLogicTest
Exercise an MPP12 file.
- testMpp12FilterLogicFrom14() - Method in class net.sf.mpxj.junit.MppFilterLogicTest
Exercise an MPP12 file saved by Project 2010.
- testMpp12Filters() - Method in class net.sf.mpxj.junit.MppAutoFilterTest
Test filter data read from an MPP12 file.
- testMpp12Filters() - Method in class net.sf.mpxj.junit.MppFilterTest
Test filter data read from an MPP12 file.
- testMpp12FiltersFrom14() - Method in class net.sf.mpxj.junit.MppAutoFilterTest
Test filter data read from an MPP12 file saved by Project 2010.
- testMpp12FiltersFrom14() - Method in class net.sf.mpxj.junit.MppFilterTest
Test filter data read from an MPP12 file saved by Project 2010.
- testMpp12From14() - Method in class net.sf.mpxj.junit.AvailabilityTest
Test MPP12 file resource availability saved by Project 2010.
- testMpp12From14() - Method in class net.sf.mpxj.junit.CostRateTableTest
Test MPP12 file cost rate tables saved by Project 2010.
- testMpp12From14() - Method in class net.sf.mpxj.junit.DurationTest
Test duration data read from an MPP12 file saved by Project 2010.
- testMpp12From14() - Method in class net.sf.mpxj.junit.MppProjectPropertiesTest
Test project properties read from an MPP12 file saved by Project 2010.
- testMpp12From14() - Method in class net.sf.mpxj.junit.TimephasedTest
Test MPP12 file timephased resource assignments saved by Project 2010.
- testMpp12From14() - Method in class net.sf.mpxj.junit.TimephasedWorkCostSegmentTest
Timephased segment test for MPP12 files saved by Project 2010.
- testMpp12From14() - Method in class net.sf.mpxj.junit.TimephasedWorkSegmentTest
Timephased segment test for MPP12 files saved by Project 2010.
- testMpp12From14Embedded() - Method in class net.sf.mpxj.junit.MppEmbeddedTest
Test MPP12 file saved by Project 2010.
- testMpp12FromProject2010() - Method in class net.sf.mpxj.junit.MppTaskFlagsTest
Test MPP12 saved by Project 2010.
- testMpp12FromProject2013() - Method in class net.sf.mpxj.junit.MppTaskFlagsTest
Test MPP12 saved by Project 2013.
- testMpp12Gantt() - Method in class net.sf.mpxj.junit.MppGanttTest
Test Gantt chart data read from an MPP12 file.
- testMpp12GanttFrom14() - Method in class net.sf.mpxj.junit.MppGanttTest
Test Gantt chart data read from an MPP12 file saved by Project 2010.
- testMpp12GraphInd() - Method in class net.sf.mpxj.junit.MppGraphIndTest
Test the graphical indicator evaluation code for an MPP12 file.
- testMpp12GraphIndFrom14() - Method in class net.sf.mpxj.junit.MppGraphIndTest
Test the graphical indicator evaluation code for an MPP12 file saved by Project 2010.
- testMpp12Groups() - Method in class net.sf.mpxj.junit.MppGroupTest
Test group data read from an MPP12 file.
- testMpp12GroupsFrom14() - Method in class net.sf.mpxj.junit.MppGroupTest
Test group data read from an MPP12 file saved by Project 2010.
- testMpp12NullTasks() - Method in class net.sf.mpxj.junit.MppNullTaskTest
Test null task data read from an MPP12 file.
- testMpp12NullTasksFrom14() - Method in class net.sf.mpxj.junit.MppNullTaskTest
Test null task data read from an MPP12 file saved by Project 2010.
- testMpp12RecurringTasks() - Method in class net.sf.mpxj.junit.MppRecurringTest
Test recurring task data read from an MPP12 file.
- testMpp12RecurringTasksFrom14() - Method in class net.sf.mpxj.junit.MppRecurringTest
Test recurring task data read from an MPP12 file saved by Project 2010.
- testMpp12Relations() - Method in class net.sf.mpxj.junit.MppTaskTest
Tests Relations in an MPP12 file.
- testMpp12RelationsFrom14() - Method in class net.sf.mpxj.junit.MppTaskTest
Tests Relations in an MPP12 file saved by Project 2010.
- testMpp12Resource() - Method in class net.sf.mpxj.junit.MppResourceTest
Test resource data read from an MPP12 file.
- testMpp12ResourceFrom14() - Method in class net.sf.mpxj.junit.MppResourceTest
Test resource data read from an MPP1 file saved by Project 2010.
- testMpp12Splits() - Method in class net.sf.mpxj.junit.MppTaskTest
Test Split Tasks in an MPP12 file.
- testMpp12SplitsFrom14() - Method in class net.sf.mpxj.junit.MppTaskTest
Test Split Tasks in an MPP12 file saved by Project 2010.
- testMpp12Subproject() - Method in class net.sf.mpxj.junit.MppSubprojectTest
Test subproject data read from an MPP12 file.
- testMpp12SubprojectFrom14() - Method in class net.sf.mpxj.junit.MppSubprojectTest
Test subproject data read from an MPP12 file saved by Project 2010.
- testMpp12Task() - Method in class net.sf.mpxj.junit.MppTaskTest
Test task data read from an MPP12 file.
- testMpp12TaskFrom14() - Method in class net.sf.mpxj.junit.MppTaskTest
Test task data read from an MPP12 file saved by Project 2010.
- testMpp12View() - Method in class net.sf.mpxj.junit.MppViewTest
Test view data read from an MPP12 file.
- testMpp12ViewFrom14() - Method in class net.sf.mpxj.junit.MppViewTest
Test view data read from an MPP12 file saved by Project 2010.
- testMpp12ViewState() - Method in class net.sf.mpxj.junit.MppViewStateTest
Test view state data read from an MPP12 file.
- testMpp12ViewStateFrom14() - Method in class net.sf.mpxj.junit.MppViewStateTest
Test view state data read from an MPP12 file saved by Project 2010.
- testMpp14() - Method in class net.sf.mpxj.junit.AvailabilityTest
Test MPP14 file resource availability.
- testMpp14() - Method in class net.sf.mpxj.junit.CostRateTableTest
Test MPP14 file cost rate tables.
- testMpp14() - Method in class net.sf.mpxj.junit.DurationTest
Test duration data read from an MPP14 file.
- testMpp14() - Method in class net.sf.mpxj.junit.MppColumnsTest
Test MPP14 file columns.
- testMpp14() - Method in class net.sf.mpxj.junit.MppProjectPropertiesTest
Test project properties read from an MPP14 file.
- testMpp14() - Method in class net.sf.mpxj.junit.TimephasedTest
Test MPP14 file timephased resource assignments.
- testMpp14() - Method in class net.sf.mpxj.junit.TimephasedWorkCostSegmentTest
Timephased segment test for MPP14 files.
- testMpp14() - Method in class net.sf.mpxj.junit.TimephasedWorkSegmentTest
Timephased segment test for MPP14 files.
- testMpp14Baseline() - Method in class net.sf.mpxj.junit.MppTaskTest
Test task data read from an MPP14 file.
- testMpp14BaselineFields() - Method in class net.sf.mpxj.junit.MppBaselineTest
Test baseline data read from an MPP14 file.
- testMpp14Calendar() - Method in class net.sf.mpxj.junit.MppCalendarTest
Test calendar data read from an MPP14 file.
- testMpp14CalendarExceptions() - Method in class net.sf.mpxj.junit.MppCalendarTest
Test calendar exception data read from an MPP14 file.
- testMpp14CustomFields() - Method in class net.sf.mpxj.junit.MppAssignmentTest
Test assignment data read from an MPP14 file.
- testMpp14DefaultBarStyles() - Method in class net.sf.mpxj.junit.MppBarStyleTest
Test bar styles read from an MPP14 file.
- testMpp14Embedded() - Method in class net.sf.mpxj.junit.MppEmbeddedTest
Test MPP14 file.
- testMpp14EnterpriseFields() - Method in class net.sf.mpxj.junit.MppEnterpriseTest
Test enterprise data read from an MPP14 file.
- testMpp14ExceptionBarStyles() - Method in class net.sf.mpxj.junit.MppBarStyleTest
Test bar styles read from an MPP14 file.
- testMpp14Fields() - Method in class net.sf.mpxj.junit.MppAssignmentTest
Test assignment fields read from an MPP14 file.
- testMpp14FilterLogic() - Method in class net.sf.mpxj.junit.MppFilterLogicTest
Exercise an MPP14 file.
- testMpp14Filters() - Method in class net.sf.mpxj.junit.MppAutoFilterTest
Test filter data read from an MPP14 file.
- testMpp14Filters() - Method in class net.sf.mpxj.junit.MppFilterTest
Test filter data read from an MPP14 file.
- testMpp14FromProject2010() - Method in class net.sf.mpxj.junit.MppResourceFlagsTest
Test MPP14 saved by Project 2010.
- testMpp14FromProject2010() - Method in class net.sf.mpxj.junit.MppTaskFlagsTest
Test MPP14 saved by Project 2010.
- testMpp14FromProject2013() - Method in class net.sf.mpxj.junit.MppResourceFlagsTest
Test MPP14 saved by Project 2013.
- testMpp14FromProject2013() - Method in class net.sf.mpxj.junit.MppTaskFlagsTest
Test MPP14 saved by Project 2013.
- testMpp14Gantt() - Method in class net.sf.mpxj.junit.MppGanttTest
Test Gantt chart data read from an MPP14 file.
- testMpp14GraphInd() - Method in class net.sf.mpxj.junit.MppGraphIndTest
Test the graphical indicator evaluation code for an MPP14 file.
- testMpp14Groups() - Method in class net.sf.mpxj.junit.MppGroupTest
Test group data read from an MPP14 file.
- testMpp14Manual() - Method in class net.sf.mpxj.junit.TimephasedWorkSegmentManualTest
Timephased segment test for MPP14 files.
- testMpp14ManualOffset() - Method in class net.sf.mpxj.junit.TimephasedWorkSegmentManualOffsetTest
Timephased segment test for MPP14 files.
- testMpp14NullTasks() - Method in class net.sf.mpxj.junit.MppNullTaskTest
Test null task data read from an MPP14 file.
- testMpp14RecurringTasks() - Method in class net.sf.mpxj.junit.MppRecurringTest
Test recurring task data read from an MPP14 file.
- testMpp14Relations() - Method in class net.sf.mpxj.junit.MppTaskTest
Tests Relations in an MPP14 file.
- testMpp14Resource() - Method in class net.sf.mpxj.junit.MppResourceTest
Test resource data read from an MPP14 file.
- testMpp14Splits() - Method in class net.sf.mpxj.junit.MppTaskTest
Test Split Tasks in an MPP14 file.
- testMpp14Subproject() - Method in class net.sf.mpxj.junit.MppSubprojectTest
Test subproject data read from an MPP14 file.
- testMpp14Task() - Method in class net.sf.mpxj.junit.MppTaskTest
Test task data read from an MPP14 file.
- testMpp14TaskFromProject2013() - Method in class net.sf.mpxj.junit.MppTaskTest
Test task data read from an MPP14 file.
- testMpp14View() - Method in class net.sf.mpxj.junit.MppViewTest
Test view data read from an MPP14 file.
- testMpp14ViewState() - Method in class net.sf.mpxj.junit.MppViewStateTest
Test view state data read from an MPP14 file.
- testMPP8Flags1() - Method in class net.sf.mpxj.junit.legacy.BasicTest
Ensure that we are reading MPP8 flags correctly.
- testMPP8Flags2() - Method in class net.sf.mpxj.junit.legacy.BasicTest
This test reads flags from an MPP8 file where each set of 20 tasks has
a single flag from 1-20 set.
- testMpp8RecurringTasks() - Method in class net.sf.mpxj.junit.MppRecurringTest
Test recurring task data read from an MPP8 file.
- testMpp9() - Method in class net.sf.mpxj.junit.AvailabilityTest
Test MPP9 file cost resource availability.
- testMpp9() - Method in class net.sf.mpxj.junit.CostRateTableTest
Test MPP9 file cost rate tables.
- testMpp9() - Method in class net.sf.mpxj.junit.DurationTest
Test duration data read from an MPP9 file.
- testMpp9() - Method in class net.sf.mpxj.junit.MppColumnsTest
Test MPP9 file columns.
- testMpp9() - Method in class net.sf.mpxj.junit.MppProjectPropertiesTest
Test project properties read from an MPP9 file.
- testMpp9() - Method in class net.sf.mpxj.junit.TimephasedTest
Test MPP9 file timephased resource assignments.
- testMpp9() - Method in class net.sf.mpxj.junit.TimephasedWorkCostSegmentTest
Timephased segment test for MPP9 files.
- testMpp9() - Method in class net.sf.mpxj.junit.TimephasedWorkSegmentTest
Timephased segment test for MPP9 files.
- testMPP9Aliases() - Method in class net.sf.mpxj.junit.legacy.BasicTest
Exercise field alias code for MPP9 files.
- testMpp9Baseline() - Method in class net.sf.mpxj.junit.MppTaskTest
Test task data read from an MPP9 file.
- testMpp9BaselineFields() - Method in class net.sf.mpxj.junit.MppBaselineTest
Test baseline data read from an MPP9 file.
- testMpp9BaselineFieldsFrom12() - Method in class net.sf.mpxj.junit.MppBaselineTest
Test baseline data read from an MPP9 file saved by Project 2007.
- testMpp9BaselineFieldsFrom14() - Method in class net.sf.mpxj.junit.MppBaselineTest
Test baseline data read from an MPP9 file saved by Project 2010.
- testMpp9BaselineFrom12() - Method in class net.sf.mpxj.junit.MppTaskTest
Test task data read from an MPP9 file saved from Project 2007.
- testMpp9BaselineFrom14() - Method in class net.sf.mpxj.junit.MppTaskTest
Test task data read from an MPP9 file saved from Project 2010.
- testMpp9Calendar() - Method in class net.sf.mpxj.junit.MppCalendarTest
Test calendar data read from an MPP9 file.
- testMpp9CalendarExceptions() - Method in class net.sf.mpxj.junit.MppCalendarTest
Test calendar exception data read from an MPP9 file.
- testMpp9CalendarExceptionsFrom12() - Method in class net.sf.mpxj.junit.MppCalendarTest
Test calendar exception data read from an MPP9 file saved by Project 2007.
- testMpp9CalendarExceptionsFrom14() - Method in class net.sf.mpxj.junit.MppCalendarTest
Test calendar exception data read from an MPP9 file saved by Project 2010.
- testMpp9CalendarFrom12() - Method in class net.sf.mpxj.junit.MppCalendarTest
Test calendar data read from an MPP9 file saved by Project 2007.
- testMpp9CalendarFrom14() - Method in class net.sf.mpxj.junit.MppCalendarTest
Test calendar data read from an MPP9 file saved by Project 2010.
- testMpp9CustomFields() - Method in class net.sf.mpxj.junit.MppAssignmentTest
Test assignment data read from an MPP9 file.
- testMpp9CustomFieldsFrom12() - Method in class net.sf.mpxj.junit.MppAssignmentTest
Test assignment data read from an MPP9 file saved by Project 2007.
- testMpp9DefaultBarStyles() - Method in class net.sf.mpxj.junit.MppBarStyleTest
Test bar styles read from an MPP9 file.
- testMpp9DefaultBarStylesFrom12() - Method in class net.sf.mpxj.junit.MppBarStyleTest
Test bar styles read from an MPP9 file saved by Project 2007.
- testMpp9DefaultBarStylesFrom14() - Method in class net.sf.mpxj.junit.MppBarStyleTest
Test bar styles read from an MPP9 file saved by Project 2010.
- testMpp9Embedded() - Method in class net.sf.mpxj.junit.MppEmbeddedTest
Test MPP9 file.
- testMpp9EnterpriseFields() - Method in class net.sf.mpxj.junit.MppEnterpriseTest
Test enterprise data read from an MPP9 file.
- testMpp9EnterpriseFieldsFrom12() - Method in class net.sf.mpxj.junit.MppEnterpriseTest
Test enterprise data read from an MPP9 file saved by Project 2007.
- testMpp9EnterpriseFieldsFrom14() - Method in class net.sf.mpxj.junit.MppEnterpriseTest
Test enterprise data read from an MPP9 file saved by Project 2010.
- testMpp9ExceptionBarStyles() - Method in class net.sf.mpxj.junit.MppBarStyleTest
Test bar styles read from an MPP9 file.
- testMpp9ExceptionBarStylesFrom12() - Method in class net.sf.mpxj.junit.MppBarStyleTest
Test bar styles read from an MPP9 file saved by Project 2007.
- testMpp9ExceptionBarStylesFrom14() - Method in class net.sf.mpxj.junit.MppBarStyleTest
Test bar styles read from an MPP9 file saved by Project 2010.
- testMpp9Fields() - Method in class net.sf.mpxj.junit.MppAssignmentTest
Test assignment fields read from an MPP9 file.
- testMpp9FieldsFrom14() - Method in class net.sf.mpxj.junit.MppAssignmentTest
Test assignment fields read from an MPP9 file, saved by Project 2010.
- testMpp9FilterLogic() - Method in class net.sf.mpxj.junit.MppFilterLogicTest
Exercise an MPP9 file.
- testMpp9FilterLogicFrom12() - Method in class net.sf.mpxj.junit.MppFilterLogicTest
Exercise an MPP9 file saved by Project 2007.
- testMpp9FilterLogicFrom14() - Method in class net.sf.mpxj.junit.MppFilterLogicTest
Exercise an MPP9 file saved by Project 2010.
- testMpp9Filters() - Method in class net.sf.mpxj.junit.MppAutoFilterTest
Test auto filter data read from an MPP9 file.
- testMpp9Filters() - Method in class net.sf.mpxj.junit.MppFilterTest
Test filter data read from an MPP9 file.
- testMpp9FiltersFrom12() - Method in class net.sf.mpxj.junit.MppAutoFilterTest
Test auto filter data read from an MPP9 file saved by Project 2007.
- testMpp9FiltersFrom12() - Method in class net.sf.mpxj.junit.MppFilterTest
Test filter data read from an MPP9 file saved by Project 2007.
- testMpp9FiltersFrom14() - Method in class net.sf.mpxj.junit.MppAutoFilterTest
Test auto filter data read from an MPP9 file saved by Project 2010.
- testMpp9FiltersFrom14() - Method in class net.sf.mpxj.junit.MppFilterTest
Test filter data read from an MPP9 file saved by Project 2010.
- testMPP9Flags1() - Method in class net.sf.mpxj.junit.legacy.BasicTest
Ensure that we are reading MPP9 flags correctly.
- testMPP9Flags2() - Method in class net.sf.mpxj.junit.legacy.BasicTest
This test reads flags from an MPP9 file where each set of 20 tasks has
a single flag from 1-20 set.
- testMpp9From12() - Method in class net.sf.mpxj.junit.AvailabilityTest
Test MPP9 file cost resource availability saved from Project 2007.
- testMpp9From12() - Method in class net.sf.mpxj.junit.CostRateTableTest
Test MPP9 file cost rate tables saved by Project 2007.
- testMpp9From12() - Method in class net.sf.mpxj.junit.DurationTest
Test duration data read from an MPP9 file saved by Project 2007.
- testMpp9From12() - Method in class net.sf.mpxj.junit.MppProjectPropertiesTest
Test project properties read from an MPP9 file saved by Project 2007.
- testMpp9From12() - Method in class net.sf.mpxj.junit.TimephasedTest
Test MPP9 file timephased resource assignments saved by Project 2007.
- testMpp9From12() - Method in class net.sf.mpxj.junit.TimephasedWorkCostSegmentTest
Timephased segment test for MPP9 files saved by Project 2007.
- testMpp9From12() - Method in class net.sf.mpxj.junit.TimephasedWorkSegmentTest
Timephased segment test for MPP9 files saved by Project 2007.
- testMpp9From12Embedded() - Method in class net.sf.mpxj.junit.MppEmbeddedTest
Test MPP9 file saved by Project 2007.
- testMpp9From14() - Method in class net.sf.mpxj.junit.AvailabilityTest
Test MPP9 file cost resource availability saved from Project 2010.
- testMpp9From14() - Method in class net.sf.mpxj.junit.CostRateTableTest
Test MPP9 file cost rate tables saved by Project 2010.
- testMpp9From14() - Method in class net.sf.mpxj.junit.DurationTest
Test duration data read from an MPP9 file saved by Project 2010.
- testMpp9From14() - Method in class net.sf.mpxj.junit.MppProjectPropertiesTest
Test project properties read from an MPP9 file saved by Project 2010.
- testMpp9From14() - Method in class net.sf.mpxj.junit.TimephasedTest
Test MPP9 file timephased resource assignments saved by Project 2010.
- testMpp9From14() - Method in class net.sf.mpxj.junit.TimephasedWorkCostSegmentTest
Timephased segment test for MPP9 files saved by Project 2010.
- testMpp9From14() - Method in class net.sf.mpxj.junit.TimephasedWorkSegmentTest
Timephased segment test for MPP9 files saved by Project 2010.
- testMpp9From14Embedded() - Method in class net.sf.mpxj.junit.MppEmbeddedTest
Test MPP9 file saved by Project 2010.
- testMpp9FromProject2010() - Method in class net.sf.mpxj.junit.MppTaskFlagsTest
Test MPP9 saved by Project 2010.
- testMpp9FromProject2013() - Method in class net.sf.mpxj.junit.MppTaskFlagsTest
Test MPP9 saved by Project 2013.
- testMpp9Gantt() - Method in class net.sf.mpxj.junit.MppGanttTest
Test Gantt chart data read from an MPP9 file.
- testMpp9GanttFrom12() - Method in class net.sf.mpxj.junit.MppGanttTest
Test Gantt chart data read from an MPP9 file saved by Project 2007.
- testMpp9GanttFrom14() - Method in class net.sf.mpxj.junit.MppGanttTest
Test Gantt chart data read from an MPP9 file saved by Project 2010.
- testMpp9GraphInd() - Method in class net.sf.mpxj.junit.MppGraphIndTest
Test the graphical indicator evaluation code for an MPP9 file.
- testMpp9GraphIndFrom12() - Method in class net.sf.mpxj.junit.MppGraphIndTest
Test the graphical indicator evaluation code for an MPP9 file saved by Project 2007.
- testMpp9GraphIndFrom14() - Method in class net.sf.mpxj.junit.MppGraphIndTest
Test the graphical indicator evaluation code for an MPP9 file saved by Project 2010.
- testMpp9Groups() - Method in class net.sf.mpxj.junit.MppGroupTest
Test group data read from an MPP9 file.
- testMpp9GroupsFrom12() - Method in class net.sf.mpxj.junit.MppGroupTest
Test group data read from an MPP9 file saved by Project 2007.
- testMpp9GroupsFrom14() - Method in class net.sf.mpxj.junit.MppGroupTest
Test group data read from an MPP9 file saved by Project 2010.
- testMpp9NullTasks() - Method in class net.sf.mpxj.junit.MppNullTaskTest
Test null task data read from an MPP9 file.
- testMpp9NullTasksFrom12() - Method in class net.sf.mpxj.junit.MppNullTaskTest
Test null task data read from an MPP9 file saved by Project 2007.
- testMpp9NullTasksFrom14() - Method in class net.sf.mpxj.junit.MppNullTaskTest
Test null task data read from an MPP9 file saved by Project 2010.
- testMpp9PasswordProtected() - Method in class net.sf.mpxj.junit.MppPasswordTest
Test reading a password protected MPP9 file.
- testMpp9RecurringTasks() - Method in class net.sf.mpxj.junit.MppRecurringTest
Test recurring task data read from an MPP9 file.
- testMpp9RecurringTasksFrom12() - Method in class net.sf.mpxj.junit.MppRecurringTest
Test recurring task data read from an MPP9 file saved by Project 2007.
- testMpp9RecurringTasksFrom14() - Method in class net.sf.mpxj.junit.MppRecurringTest
Test recurring task data read from an MPP9 file saved by Project 2010.
- testMpp9Relations() - Method in class net.sf.mpxj.junit.MppTaskTest
Tests Relations in an MPP9 file.
- testMpp9RelationsFrom12() - Method in class net.sf.mpxj.junit.MppTaskTest
Tests Relations in an MPP9 file saved by Project 2007.
- testMpp9RelationsFrom14() - Method in class net.sf.mpxj.junit.MppTaskTest
Tests Relations in an MPP9 file saved by Project 2010.
- testMpp9Resource() - Method in class net.sf.mpxj.junit.MppResourceTest
Test resource data read from an MPP9 file.
- testMpp9ResourceFrom12() - Method in class net.sf.mpxj.junit.MppResourceTest
Test resource data read from an MPP9 file saved by Project 2007.
- testMpp9ResourceFrom14() - Method in class net.sf.mpxj.junit.MppResourceTest
Test resource data read from an MPP9 file saved by Project 2010.
- testMpp9Splits() - Method in class net.sf.mpxj.junit.MppTaskTest
Test Split Tasks in an MPP9 file.
- testMpp9SplitsFrom12() - Method in class net.sf.mpxj.junit.MppTaskTest
Test Split Tasks in an MPP9 file saved by Project 2007.
- testMpp9SplitsFrom14() - Method in class net.sf.mpxj.junit.MppTaskTest
Test Split Tasks in an MPP9 file saved by Project 2010.
- testMpp9Subproject() - Method in class net.sf.mpxj.junit.MppSubprojectTest
Test subproject data read from an MPP9 file.
- testMpp9SubprojectFrom12() - Method in class net.sf.mpxj.junit.MppSubprojectTest
Test subproject data read from an MPP9 file saved by Project 2007.
- testMpp9SubprojectFrom14() - Method in class net.sf.mpxj.junit.MppSubprojectTest
Test subproject data read from an MPP9 file saved by Project 2010.
- testMpp9Task() - Method in class net.sf.mpxj.junit.MppTaskTest
Test task data read from an MPP9 file.
- testMpp9TaskFrom12() - Method in class net.sf.mpxj.junit.MppTaskTest
Test task data read from an MPP9 file saved by Project 2007.
- testMpp9TaskFrom14() - Method in class net.sf.mpxj.junit.MppTaskTest
Test task data read from an MPP9 file saved by Project 2010.
- testMpp9View() - Method in class net.sf.mpxj.junit.MppViewTest
Test view data read from an MPP9 file.
- testMpp9ViewFrom12() - Method in class net.sf.mpxj.junit.MppViewTest
Test view data read from an MPP9 file saved by Project 2007.
- testMpp9ViewFrom14() - Method in class net.sf.mpxj.junit.MppViewTest
Test view data read from an MPP9 file saved by Project 2010.
- testMpp9ViewState() - Method in class net.sf.mpxj.junit.MppViewStateTest
Test view state data read from an MPP9 file.
- testMpp9ViewStateFrom12() - Method in class net.sf.mpxj.junit.MppViewStateTest
Test view state data read from an MPP9 file saved by Project 2007.
- testMpp9ViewStateFrom14() - Method in class net.sf.mpxj.junit.MppViewStateTest
Test view state data read from an MPP9 file saved by Project 2010.
- testMpxRecurringTasks() - Method in class net.sf.mpxj.junit.MppRecurringTest
Test recurring task data read from an MPX file.
- testMspdi() - Method in class net.sf.mpxj.junit.AvailabilityTest
Test MSPDI file resource availability.
- testMspdi() - Method in class net.sf.mpxj.junit.CostRateTableTest
Test MSPDI file cost rate tables.
- testMspdi() - Method in class net.sf.mpxj.junit.DurationTest
Test duration data read from an MSPDI file.
- testMspdi() - Method in class net.sf.mpxj.junit.TimephasedTest
Test MSPDI file timephased resource assignments.
- testMSPDIAliases() - Method in class net.sf.mpxj.junit.legacy.BasicTest
Exercise field alias code for MSPDI files.
- testMspdiBaselineFields() - Method in class net.sf.mpxj.junit.MppBaselineTest
Test baseline data read from an MSPDI file.
- testMspdiCustomFields() - Method in class net.sf.mpxj.junit.MppAssignmentTest
Test assignment data read from an MSPDI file.
- testMspdiEnterpriseFields() - Method in class net.sf.mpxj.junit.MppEnterpriseTest
Test enterprise data read from an MSPDI file.
- testMspdiExtendedAttributes() - Method in class net.sf.mpxj.junit.legacy.BasicTest
This test ensures that the task and resource extended attributes are
read and written correctly for MSPDI files.
- testMspdiFields() - Method in class net.sf.mpxj.junit.MppAssignmentTest
Test assignment fields read from an MSPDI file.
- testMspdiNullTasks() - Method in class net.sf.mpxj.junit.MppNullTaskTest
Test null task data read from an MSPDI file.
- testMspdiRelations() - Method in class net.sf.mpxj.junit.MppTaskTest
Tests Relations in an MSPDI file.
- testMspdiResource() - Method in class net.sf.mpxj.junit.MppResourceTest
Test resource data read from an MSPDI file.
- testMspdiSplits() - Method in class net.sf.mpxj.junit.MppTaskTest
Test Split Tasks in an MSPDI file.
- testMultiDayExceptions() - Method in class net.sf.mpxj.junit.calendar.MultiDayExceptionsTest
Test to validate calendars in files saved by different versions of MS Project.
- testNullValueTestOperators() - Method in class net.sf.mpxj.junit.MppFilterTest
Test null value handling.
- testPasswordProtection() - Method in class net.sf.mpxj.junit.legacy.BasicTest
Exercise the code which handles password protected files.
- testPlannerCalendar() - Method in class net.sf.mpxj.junit.PlannerCalendarTest
Test calendar data read from an MPP9 file.
- testPlannerResource() - Method in class net.sf.mpxj.junit.PlannerResourceTest
Test calendar data read from an MPP9 file.
- testPredecessorCalendar() - Method in class net.sf.mpxj.junit.XerRelationshipLagCalendarTest
Validate predecessor lag calendar read correctly.
- testPredecessorCalendar() - Method in class net.sf.mpxj.junit.XmlRelationshipLagCalendarTest
Validate predecessor lag calendar read correctly.
- testPrimaveraDatabase() - Method in class net.sf.mpxj.junit.CustomerDataTest
Test extracting projects from a sample SQLite P6 database.
- testPrimaveraDatabaseEps() - Method in class net.sf.mpxj.junit.CustomerDataTest
Test extracting the EPS from a sample SQLite P6 database.
- testPrimaveraPercentComplete() - Method in class net.sf.mpxj.junit.task.TaskPercentCompleteTest
Test to validate Primavera percent complete values.
- testPrintFromDaysDuration() - Method in class net.sf.mpxj.mspdi.XsdDurationTest
Ensure a duration in days is handled.
- testPrintFromHoursDuration() - Method in class net.sf.mpxj.mspdi.XsdDurationTest
Ensure a duration in hours is handled.
- testPrintFromMinutesDuration() - Method in class net.sf.mpxj.mspdi.XsdDurationTest
Ensure a duration in minutes is handled.
- testPrintFromMonthsDuration() - Method in class net.sf.mpxj.mspdi.XsdDurationTest
Ensure a duration in months is handled.
- testPrintFromNullDuration() - Method in class net.sf.mpxj.mspdi.XsdDurationTest
Ensure a null duration is handled.
- testPrintFromWeeksDuration() - Method in class net.sf.mpxj.mspdi.XsdDurationTest
Ensure a duration in weeks is handled.
- testPrintFromYearsDuration() - Method in class net.sf.mpxj.mspdi.XsdDurationTest
Ensure a duration in years is handled.
- testPrintFromZeroDuration() - Method in class net.sf.mpxj.mspdi.XsdDurationTest
Ensure zero duration is handled.
- testPriority() - Method in class net.sf.mpxj.junit.legacy.BasicTest
Test read and write of priority information.
- testProjectCalendarExceptions() - Method in class net.sf.mpxj.junit.legacy.BasicTest
Basic rewrite test to exercise the MPX calendar exception read/write code.
- testProjectDefaultCalendar() - Method in class net.sf.mpxj.junit.XerRelationshipLagCalendarTest
Validate default lag calendar read correctly.
- testProjectDefaultCalendar() - Method in class net.sf.mpxj.junit.XmlRelationshipLagCalendarTest
Validate default lag calendar read correctly.
- testProjectProperties() - Method in class net.sf.mpxj.junit.legacy.BasicTest
This ensures that values in the project properties are read and written
as expected.
- testProjectProperties() - Method in class net.sf.mpxj.junit.project.ProjectPropertiesTest
Test to validate the project properties in files saved by different versions of MS Project.
- testProjectValueLists() - Method in class net.sf.mpxj.junit.project.DataLinksTest
Test to validate the custom value lists in files saved by different versions of MS Project.
- testProjectValueLists() - Method in class net.sf.mpxj.junit.project.ProjectValueListsTest
Test to validate the custom value lists in files saved by different versions of MS Project.
- testPropertiesOnly() - Method in class net.sf.mpxj.junit.project.ProjectPropertiesOnlyTest
Test to validate that we only read the project properties when the "properties only" flag is set on the reader.
- testQuarters() - Method in class net.sf.mpxj.junit.TimescaleUtilityTest
Generate quarter timescale segments.
- testReadGerman() - Method in class net.sf.mpxj.junit.LocaleTest
Read a file created by a German version of MS Project 98.
- testRecurringExceptions() - Method in class net.sf.mpxj.junit.calendar.RecurringExceptionsTest
Test to validate calendars in files saved by different versions of MS Project.
- testRelationList() - Method in class net.sf.mpxj.junit.legacy.BasicTest
Simple test to exercise iterating through the task predecessors.
- testRemoval() - Method in class net.sf.mpxj.junit.legacy.BasicTest
Test to exercise task, resource, and assignment removal code.
- testResourceFlags() - Method in class net.sf.mpxj.junit.resource.ResourceFlagsTest
Test to validate the custom flags in files saved by different versions of MS Project.
- testResourceHierarchy() - Method in class net.sf.mpxj.junit.ResourceHierarchyTest
Resource hierarchy tests.
- testResourceIdAndUniqueID() - Method in class net.sf.mpxj.junit.MppResourceTest
In the original MPP14 reader implementation, the ID and Unique ID
resource fields were read the wrong way around.
- testResourceMisc() - Method in class net.sf.mpxj.junit.resource.ResourceMiscTest
Test to validate the custom costs in files saved by different versions of MS Project.
- testResourceNotes() - Method in class net.sf.mpxj.junit.legacy.BasicTest
This method exercises resource notes, ensuring that
embedded commas and quotes are handled correctly.
- testResourceNumbers() - Method in class net.sf.mpxj.junit.resource.ResourceNumbersTest
Test to validate the custom numbers in files saved by different versions of MS Project.
- testResourceText() - Method in class net.sf.mpxj.junit.resource.ResourceTextTest
Test to validate the custom text fields in files saved by different versions of MS Project.
- testResourceType() - Method in class net.sf.mpxj.junit.resource.MppResourceTypeTest
Test to validate the resource types in an MPP file saved by different versions of MS Project.
- testResourceType() - Method in class net.sf.mpxj.junit.resource.ResourceTypeTest
Test to validate the custom costs in files saved by different versions of MS Project.
- testRewrite1() - Method in class net.sf.mpxj.junit.legacy.BasicTest
This method performs a simple data driven test to read then write
the contents of a single MPX file.
- testRewrite2() - Method in class net.sf.mpxj.junit.legacy.BasicTest
This method performs a simple data driven test to read then write
the contents of a single MPX file.
- testRewrite3() - Method in class net.sf.mpxj.junit.legacy.BasicTest
This method performs a simple data driven test to read then write
the contents of a single MPX file.
- testRewrite4() - Method in class net.sf.mpxj.junit.legacy.BasicTest
Test to ensure that files without tasks or resources generate
correct MPX files.
- testRewrite5() - Method in class net.sf.mpxj.junit.legacy.BasicTest
Exercise PlannerWriter.
- testSchema() - Method in class net.sf.mpxj.junit.primavera.PrimaveraDatabaseReaderTest
Ensure the schema attribute is working as expected.
- testSlack() - Method in class net.sf.mpxj.junit.SlackTest
Exercise slack duration functionality.
- testSourceForge235() - Method in class net.sf.mpxj.junit.resource.MppResourceTypeTest
Test to exercise the test case provided for SourceForge bug #235.
- testSourceForge248() - Method in class net.sf.mpxj.junit.assignment.DeletedAssignmentTest
Test to exercise the test case provided for SourceForge bug #248.
- testSourceForge256() - Method in class net.sf.mpxj.junit.resource.MppResourceTypeTest
Test to exercise the test case provided for SourceForge bug #235.
- testSourceForgeIssue259() - Method in class net.sf.mpxj.junit.task.TaskBaselinesTest
Test to verify SourceForge issue is fixed.
- testSplits1() - Method in class net.sf.mpxj.junit.SplitTaskTest
Exercise split task functionality.
- testSplits2() - Method in class net.sf.mpxj.junit.SplitTaskTest
Exercise split task functionality.
- testStartTime() - Method in class net.sf.mpxj.junit.ProjectCalendarTest
Simple tests to exercise the ProjectCalendar.getStartTime method.
- testStringSemVer() - Method in class net.sf.mpxj.junit.SemVerTest
Ensure that versions constructed from strings behave as expected.
- testStructure() - Method in class net.sf.mpxj.junit.legacy.BasicTest
Test to ensure that the basic task hierarchy is
represented correctly.
- testSuccessorCalendar() - Method in class net.sf.mpxj.junit.XerRelationshipLagCalendarTest
Validate successor lag calendar read correctly.
- testSuccessorCalendar() - Method in class net.sf.mpxj.junit.XmlRelationshipLagCalendarTest
Validate successor lag calendar read correctly.
- testSynchronizeTaskIDToHierarchy() - Method in class net.sf.mpxj.junit.project.TaskContainerTest
Test fix for SourceForge issue 277.
- testTables() - Method in class net.sf.mpxj.junit.legacy.BasicTest
Test retrieval of table information.
- testTaskBaselineValues() - Method in class net.sf.mpxj.junit.task.TaskBaselinesTest
Test to validate the baseline values saved by different versions of MS Project.
- testTaskCalendars() - Method in class net.sf.mpxj.junit.legacy.BasicTest
Test use of task calendars.
- testTaskCosts() - Method in class net.sf.mpxj.junit.task.TaskCostsTest
Test to validate the custom costs in files saved by different versions of MS Project.
- testTaskDates() - Method in class net.sf.mpxj.junit.task.TaskDatesTest
Test to validate the custom dates in files saved by different versions of MS Project.
- testTaskDurations() - Method in class net.sf.mpxj.junit.task.TaskDurationsTest
Test to validate the custom durations in files saved by different versions of MS Project.
- testTaskFinishDates() - Method in class net.sf.mpxj.junit.task.TaskFinishesTest
Test to validate the custom finish dates in files saved by different versions of MS Project.
- testTaskFlags() - Method in class net.sf.mpxj.junit.task.TaskFlagsTest
Test to validate the custom flags in files saved by different versions of MS Project.
- testTaskLinks() - Method in class net.sf.mpxj.junit.task.TaskLinksTest
Test to validate links between tasks in files saved by different versions of MS Project.
- testTaskNotes() - Method in class net.sf.mpxj.junit.legacy.BasicTest
This method exercises task notes, ensuring that
embedded commas and quotes are handled correctly.
- testTaskNumbers() - Method in class net.sf.mpxj.junit.task.TaskNumbersTest
Test to validate the custom numbers in files saved by different versions of MS Project.
- testTaskOutlineCodes() - Method in class net.sf.mpxj.junit.task.TaskOutlineCodesTest
Test to validate the custom outline codes in files saved by different versions of MS Project.
- testTasksPostDeletion() - Method in class net.sf.mpxj.junit.task.TaskDeletionTest
Ensure that we can see the correct post-deletion tasks.
- testTasksPreDeletion() - Method in class net.sf.mpxj.junit.task.TaskDeletionTest
Ensure that we can see the correct pre-deletion tasks.
- testTaskStartDates() - Method in class net.sf.mpxj.junit.task.TaskStartsTest
Test to validate the custom start dates in files saved by different versions of MS Project.
- testTaskText() - Method in class net.sf.mpxj.junit.task.TaskTextTest
Test to validate the custom text fields in files saved by different versions of MS Project.
- testTaskTextValues() - Method in class net.sf.mpxj.junit.task.TaskTextValuesTest
Tests to ensure the text versions of Start, Finish and Duration are read correctly.
- testThirdsOfMonths() - Method in class net.sf.mpxj.junit.TimescaleUtilityTest
Generate third-of-month timescale segments.
- testTwentyFourHourCalendar() - Method in class net.sf.mpxj.junit.XerRelationshipLagCalendarTest
Validate 24-hour lag calendar read correctly.
- testTwentyFourHourCalendar() - Method in class net.sf.mpxj.junit.XmlRelationshipLagCalendarTest
Validate 24-hour lag calendar read correctly.
- testVarianceCalculations8() - Method in class net.sf.mpxj.junit.ProjectCalendarTest
Exercise various duration variance calculations.
- testVarianceCalculations9() - Method in class net.sf.mpxj.junit.ProjectCalendarTest
Exercise various duration variance calculations.
- testViews() - Method in class net.sf.mpxj.junit.legacy.BasicTest
Test retrieval of view information.
- testWBS() - Method in class net.sf.mpxj.junit.legacy.BasicTest
Test retrieval of WBS information.
- testWeeklyCalendarExceptionPredecedence() - Method in class net.sf.mpxj.junit.CalendarExceptionPrecedenceTest
Test weekly recurring exceptions.
- testWeeks() - Method in class net.sf.mpxj.junit.TimescaleUtilityTest
Generate week timescale segments.
- testXer() - Method in class net.sf.mpxj.junit.assignment.EffectiveRateTest
Validate rates read from an XER file.
- testXml() - Method in class net.sf.mpxj.junit.assignment.EffectiveRateTest
Validate rates read from a PMXML file.
- testYearlyCalendarExceptionPredecedence() - Method in class net.sf.mpxj.junit.CalendarExceptionPrecedenceTest
Test yearly recurring exceptions.
- testYears() - Method in class net.sf.mpxj.junit.TimescaleUtilityTest
Generate year timescale segments.
- TimephasedTest - Class in net.sf.mpxj.junit
The tests contained in this class exercise the timephased
resource assignment functionality.
- TimephasedTest() - Constructor for class net.sf.mpxj.junit.TimephasedTest
- TimephasedWorkCostSegmentTest - Class in net.sf.mpxj.junit
This example shows an MPP, MPX or MSPDI file being read, and basic
task and resource data being extracted.
- TimephasedWorkCostSegmentTest() - Constructor for class net.sf.mpxj.junit.TimephasedWorkCostSegmentTest
- TimephasedWorkSegmentManualOffsetTest - Class in net.sf.mpxj.junit
This a test for reading timephased work of manual scheduled tasks from an MPP file.
- TimephasedWorkSegmentManualOffsetTest() - Constructor for class net.sf.mpxj.junit.TimephasedWorkSegmentManualOffsetTest
- TimephasedWorkSegmentManualTest - Class in net.sf.mpxj.junit
This a test for reading timephased work of manual scheduled tasks from an MPP file.
- TimephasedWorkSegmentManualTest() - Constructor for class net.sf.mpxj.junit.TimephasedWorkSegmentManualTest
- TimephasedWorkSegmentTest - Class in net.sf.mpxj.junit
This example shows an MPP, MPX or MSPDI file being read, and basic
task and resource data being extracted.
- TimephasedWorkSegmentTest() - Constructor for class net.sf.mpxj.junit.TimephasedWorkSegmentTest
- TimescaleUtilityTest - Class in net.sf.mpxj.junit
Tests to exercise the TimescaleUtility class.
- TimescaleUtilityTest() - Constructor for class net.sf.mpxj.junit.TimescaleUtilityTest