public final class MPPReader extends AbstractProjectStreamReader
Constructor and Description |
MPPReader() |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
static String |
getFileFormat(org.apache.poi.poifs.filesystem.POIFSFileSystem fs)
This method allows us to peek into the OLE compound document to extract the file format.
String |
Internal only.
boolean |
Retrieves a flag which indicates whether presentation data will
be read from the MPP file.
boolean |
Flag to determine if the reader should only read the project properties.
boolean |
Retrieve a flag indicating if password protection is respected.
boolean |
If this flag is true, raw timephased data will be retrieved
from MS Project: no normalisation will take place.
ProjectFile |
read(File file)
Read a single schedule from a file where a File instance is supplied.
ProjectFile |
read(InputStream is)
Read a single schedule from a file where the contents of the project file
are supplied via an input stream.
ProjectFile |
read(org.apache.poi.poifs.filesystem.POIFSFileSystem fs)
Alternative entry point allowing an MPP file to be read from
a user-supplied POI file stream.
void |
setReadPassword(String password)
Set the read password for this Project file.
void |
setReadPresentationData(boolean readPresentationData)
Flag to allow time and memory to be saved by not reading
presentation data from the MPP file.
void |
setReadPropertiesOnly(boolean readPropertiesOnly)
Flag to determine if the reader should only read the project properties.
void |
setRespectPasswordProtection(boolean respectPasswordProtection)
Where supported, set to false to ignore password protection.
void |
setUseRawTimephasedData(boolean useRawTimephasedData)
If this flag is true, raw timephased data will be retrieved
from MS Project: no normalisation will take place.
read, readAll, readAll, readAll
addListenersToProject, addListenersToReader, addProjectListener
public ProjectFile read(InputStream is) throws MPXJException
- InputStream instanceMPXJException
public ProjectFile read(File file) throws MPXJException
in interface ProjectReader
in class AbstractProjectStreamReader
- File instanceMPXJException
public static String getFileFormat(org.apache.poi.poifs.filesystem.POIFSFileSystem fs) throws IOException
- POIFSFileSystem instanceIOException
public ProjectFile read(org.apache.poi.poifs.filesystem.POIFSFileSystem fs) throws MPXJException
- POI file streamMPXJException
public boolean getUseRawTimephasedData()
public void setUseRawTimephasedData(boolean useRawTimephasedData)
- boolean flagpublic boolean getReadPresentationData()
public void setReadPresentationData(boolean readPresentationData)
- set to false to prevent presentation data being readpublic boolean getReadPropertiesOnly()
public void setReadPropertiesOnly(boolean readPropertiesOnly)
- true if the reader should only read the project propertiespublic void setReadPassword(String password)
- password textpublic String getReadPassword()
public void setRespectPasswordProtection(boolean respectPasswordProtection)
- true if password protection is respectedpublic boolean getRespectPasswordProtection()
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