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How To: Write Planner files

Gnome Planner is a simple cross platform planning tool. MPXJ can be used to write a schedule as a Planner file, which the Gnome Planner application can open.

Writing Planner files

The sample code below illustrates how to write data to a Planner file.

package org.mpxj.howto.write;

import net.sf.mpxj.ProjectFile;
import net.sf.mpxj.writer.FileFormat;
import net.sf.mpxj.writer.UniversalProjectWriter;

public class Planner
    public void write(ProjectFile project, String fileName) throws Exception
        new UniversalProjectWriter(FileFormat.PLANNER).write(project, fileName);
using MPXJ.Net;

namespace MPXJ.Samples.HowToWrite;

public class Planner
    public void Write(ProjectFile project, string fileName)
        new UniversalProjectWriter(FileFormat.PLANNER).Write(project, fileName);

Using PlannerWriter

If required, the PlannerWriter class can be used directly, which provides access to additional options, as described below.


The character set used to write a Planner file can be specified using the setCharset method, as illustrated below.

package org.mpxj.howto.write;

import net.sf.mpxj.ProjectFile;
import net.sf.mpxj.planner.PlannerWriter;

import java.nio.charset.Charset;

public class PlannerCharset
    public void write(ProjectFile project, String fileName) throws Exception
        PlannerWriter writer = new PlannerWriter();
        writer.write(project, fileName);
using System.Text;
using MPXJ.Net;

namespace MPXJ.Samples.HowToWrite;

public class PlannerCharset
    public void Write(ProjectFile project, string fileName)
        var writer = new PlannerWriter();
        writer.Encoding = Encoding.GetEncoding("GB2312");
        writer.Write(project, fileName);