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How To: Read Asta Powerproject and Easyproject files

Asta Powerproject and Asta Easyproject both use PP files.

Reading PP files

The simplest way to read a PP file is to use the UniversalProjectReader:


import net.sf.mpxj.ProjectFile;
import net.sf.mpxj.reader.UniversalProjectReader;

public class Asta
    public void read() throws Exception
        UniversalProjectReader reader = new UniversalProjectReader();
        ProjectFile project ="my-sample.pp");
using MPXJ.Net;

namespace MPXJ.Samples.HowToRead;

public class Asta
     public void Read()
          var reader = new UniversalProjectReader();
          var project = reader.Read("my-sample.pp");

You can work directly with the AstaFileReader by replacing UniversalProjectReader with AstaFileReader, although this offers no particular advantage as there are no additional configuration settings available on the AstaFileReader class.

A note on password protected files: Powerproject offers the option of saving schedules with a username and password, which results in the file being encrypted. MPXJ doesn't support these files, and unfortunately I haven't come up with a way of reliably identifying that these are password protected PP files. If you pass a file like this to one of the the UniversalProjectReader read methods, it will simply return null, indicating an unsupported file type.