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Converting Files

To convert project data between different formats you read the source data using an appropriate Reader class, then write the data using a Writer class which matches the format you want to convert to.

MPXJ can do a lot of the work for you, as the example below illustrates. The UniversalProjectReader will detect the type of schedule being read and handle it accordingly. The UniversalProjectWriter class manages the individual writer classes for you, taking an argument representing the type of file you want to write.

package org.mpxj.howto.convert;

import net.sf.mpxj.ProjectFile;
import net.sf.mpxj.reader.UniversalProjectReader;
import net.sf.mpxj.writer.FileFormat;
import net.sf.mpxj.writer.UniversalProjectWriter;

public class ConvertUniversal
   public void convert(String inputFile, FileFormat format, String outputFile) throws Exception
      ProjectFile projectFile = new UniversalProjectReader().read(inputFile);
      new UniversalProjectWriter(format).write(projectFile, outputFile);
using MPXJ.Net;

public class ConvertUniversal
    public void Convert(string inputFile, FileFormat format, string outputFile)
        var projectFile = new UniversalProjectReader().Read(inputFile);
        new UniversalProjectWriter(format).Write(projectFile, outputFile);
import jpype
import mpxj


from net.sf.mpxj.reader import UniversalProjectReader
from net.sf.mpxj.writer import FileFormat
from net.sf.mpxj.writer import UniversalProjectWriter

def convert(input_file, format, output_file):
    project_file = UniversalProjectReader().read(input_file);
    UniversalProjectWriter(format).write(project_file, output_file);


If you already know the file types you are converting between, you can use the specific Reader and Writer classes, as shown below.

package org.mpxj.howto.convert;

import net.sf.mpxj.ProjectFile;
import net.sf.mpxj.mpp.MPPReader;
import net.sf.mpxj.mpx.MPXWriter;
import net.sf.mpxj.reader.ProjectReader;
import net.sf.mpxj.writer.ProjectWriter;

public class ConvertMppToMpx
   public void convert(String inputFile, String outputFile) throws Exception
      ProjectReader reader = new MPPReader();
      ProjectFile projectFile =;

      ProjectWriter writer = new MPXWriter();
      writer.write(projectFile, outputFile);
using MPXJ.Net;

public class ConvertMppToMpx
    public void Convert(string inputFile, string outputFile)
        var reader = new MPPReader();
        var projectFile = reader.Read(inputFile);

        var writer = new MPXWriter();
        writer.Write(projectFile, outputFile);
import jpype
import mpxj


from net.sf.mpxj.mpp import MPPReader
from net.sf.mpxj.mpx import MPXWriter

def convert(input_file, output_file):
    reader = MPPReader()
    project_file =
    writer = MPXWriter()
    writer.write(project_file, output_file)
