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Getting Started with COM

Deprecated. Only supported until MPXJ version 14.

The .Net Framework assemblies provided in the DLLs described here are accessible from COM. This should allow you to, for example, write VBA code which utilises MPXJ functionality. To assist with this, for each of the DLLs distributed with MPXJ type libraries in the form of TLB files are provided in the\lib\net45 directory. You will also need to register the MPXJ assemblies in order to use them from COM, using the regasm assembly registration tool.

For your convenience two batch files have been provided in the\lib\net45 directory: mpxj-register-assemblies.bat and mpxj-unregister-assemblies.bat. These batch files will register and unregister the MPXJ assemblies respectively. These batch files assume that regasm is available on the path.