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Building MPXJ

Although MPXJ can be downloaded as a complete package from Maven, GitHub and SourceForge, the development of the library continues between releases and is driven by user requests for new functionality and bug fixes being applied to existing features. Many MPXJ users will work with and ship software based on intermediate versions of MPXJ built from the code on GitHub in order to take advantage of these enhancements before they become available in an official release. This approach is supported by the fact that code is only pushed to the master branch on GitHub if the suite of regression tests have been completed successfully: therefore the quality of the code taken from GitHub at any point can normally be guaranteed to be as good as that in an official release.

In order to take advantage of MPXJ functionality from GitHub, you will need to understand how to build the library, whether you are using it in the form of a Java JAR or a .NET DLL. The following sections explain how to do this.

Obtaining the source

The first step in the process of building your own version of MPXJ is to obtain the latest source from GitHub. Instructions for cloning the repository can be found on this page.

Building the Java JAR

MPXJ is built using Maven. Once you have a cloned copy of the MPXJ repository, you may wish to update the groupId, artifactId or version attributes in pom.xml. This will ensure that there is no confusion between the version of MPXJ you build and the official distributions.

If you have a copy of Maven installed, you can issue the following command to build MPXJ:

mvn -DskipTests=true -Dmaven.javadoc.skip=true -Dsource.skip=true package

This will generate the mpxj.jar for you in the Maven target directory, and copies MPXJ's dependencies to the lib directory. Note that for convenience this skips running the unit tests, javadoc generation and source packaging.

If you are using Maven to manage dependencies for your own project, you can install your newly built version of MPXJ in a local Maven repository:

mvn -DskipTests=true -Dmaven.javadoc.skip=true -Dsource.skip=true install

Building for .Net, Python and Ruby

Aside from using Maven to build the MPXJ jar file, building the other release artifacts for MPXJ is a somewhat involved process. To assist with this I have created a script which will configure a freshly installed Windows 10 machine ready to be used to build all the components of an MPXJ release.

The script and its instructions can be found here.

Generating the JAXB code

In order to read and write various XML file formats, MPXJ relies on code generated by the JAXB tool xjc from the XML schema for each file format. Normally you will not need to regenerate this source, but if you are changing the JAXB implementation, or modifying the use of JAXB in some way, then you may need to regenerate this code.

Where I have created an XML schema to support a particular file format, I have included it in the MPXJ distribution in the jaxb directory. For XML schemas published by product vendors, I have included a note on the home page indicating where these can be located.

If you obtain a copy of the XML schema file you want to work with, you can update the JAXB source using the xjc target found in the ant build.xml file. Note that the xjc target is platform specific, you will need to change the name of xjc tool to be xjc.bat, xjc.exe, or depending on your operating system. You will also need to set the properties indicated in build.xml to tell it where to find xjc and the XML schema file. If you are only regenerating source for one of the XML schemas, you can comment out the others in the Ant script to avoid unnecessary work.